Обновления Windows Как контролировать расписание обновлений 💪

Предотвратите неприятные сюрпризы обновлений вы можете управлять обновлениями Windows в соответствии с вашим расписанием. Вот как.


Reclaim control from pesky Windows Updates in just 3 simple steps!

Dog looking at laptop

Are you tired of dealing with pesky Windows updates that always seem to pop up at the worst possible time? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Updates can be frustrating, time-consuming, and disruptive to your workflow. But fear not, dear readers, for I am here to guide you through the wild world of Windows updates and help you take control of your update schedule. 📅

The Problem with Windows Updates 😩

Let’s face it, Windows updates have a bad reputation. Many users complain about the excessive number of updates, their long installation times, and the occasional failures that cause even more problems. It seems like updates always come at the most inconvenient moments, disrupting your work or forcing you to restart your PC when you least expect it. It’s like that one friend who always shows up uninvited right when you’re about to binge-watch your favorite TV show. Not cool, Windows. Not cool. 😒

Override Microsoft’s Schedule and Take Charge 💪

But fear not, my friends, for I have some tricks up my sleeve to help you outsmart those pushy updates and regain control of your update schedule. Here are three things you can do to put those updates in their place:

1. Pause Updates for Five Weeks ⏸️

Go to Settings > Windows Update and choose Pause for 5 weeks from the Pause Updates menu. This nifty little trick ensures that Windows won’t download or install any updates without your permission. It’s like hitting the snooze button on those update notifications, giving you some much-needed time to catch your breath. 🛌

2. Pick Your Preferred Update Day 📆

Let’s say you want to be a savvy update avoider and wait a couple of weeks after Patch Tuesday (the second Tuesday of each month) to give those updates a test run in the wild before installing them. Smart move! So, mark your calendar for the fourth Tuesday of the month, that’s when you’ll do all your update magic. 🧙‍♂️

3. Create a Monthly Update Reminder 📅

Now, here’s where it gets really exciting. Set up a recurring monthly event, like a hot date with your PC, for the fourth Tuesday of each month in your favorite calendar app. When that day arrives, you’ll receive a handy reminder to check for any known issues with the latest updates. Take a quick peek, find a convenient time (or at most a day or two later) to perform the month’s maintenance tasks. Head over to Settings > Windows Update, click Resume updates, and let the updates flow. Restart your PC, ensure there are no more lurking updates, and hit that trusty Pause updates for 5 weeks button to start the countdown clock again. ✨

Pro tip: If you’re using a Windows Pro edition and you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can tweak some Group Policy settings to automatically defer those monthly quality updates. But honestly, the monthly reminder is all you really need to stay on top of things. 😉

Q&A: Answering Your Burning Questions 🔥🔥

Q: Can I completely disable Windows updates?

A: While you can’t disable Windows updates entirely, the methods I mentioned earlier allow you to control when and how updates are installed. Pausing updates and setting your own update schedule gives you the power to choose when your PC should download and install those updates.

Q: Will delaying updates make my PC less secure?

A: It’s a valid concern, but don’t worry. When you pause updates and manually choose when to install them, you’re not compromising your PC’s security. As long as you stay on top of your update schedule and regularly install updates within a reasonable timeframe, your PC will remain protected.


Q: Что, если я забуду установить обновления после напоминания?

A: Windows всегда подстраховывается! Если вдруг вы забудете и пропустите более пяти недель, Windows Update вам напомнит и установит все доступные обновления, чтобы защитить ваш ПК. Так что даже если вы случайно отложите обновления слишком много раз, вас все равно накроют. 😉

Воспользуйтесь силой контроля и поделитесь своей мудростью! 🚀

Теперь, когда вы знаете секреты управления обновлениями Windows, пришло время применить этот навык на практике. Настройте свои параметры, установите ежемесячные напоминания и больше не позволяйте случайному обновлению застать вас врасплох. Поделитесь этой статьей с другими пользователями Windows, чтобы и они могли вернуть себе свободу обновлений! Давайте распространим радость беспроблемных обновлений по всему миру. 🌍✨


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  3. BG3 Patch 6 arrives: What’s in this giant 20,000-word patch notes?
  4. 11 Windows touchpad tricks to help you work faster and smarter

У вас есть еще какие-то горячие вопросы или классные трюки для обмена? Поделитесь ими в комментариях ниже! 😄👇

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