Галактическое кольцо следующий крупный продукт Samsung 2024 года?

Вице-президент по цифровому здравоохранению компании Samsung, Хон Пак, провел живую демонстрацию и интимную беседу, раскрывая новые подробности о Galaxy Ring.


I tested the Samsung Galaxy Ring and it outperforms the Oura in 2 significant ways.

With the release of the Galaxy Ring, Samsung aims to make a splash in the ring market. The company’s Vice President and Head of Digital Health Team, Dr. Hon Pak, recently provided some insights into this highly anticipated wearable during an exclusive roundtable discussion. From its My Vitality Score feature to its focus on women’s health, the Galaxy Ring promises to offer a fresh and holistic approach to fitness tracking. But how does it stack up against the competition? And what else can we expect from Samsung in the future? Let’s dive into the details and find out.

Централизованный подход к отслеживанию здоровья

If you’ve been following the development of the Galaxy Ring, you’ll know that Samsung’s goal is to centralize health metrics and data collected by smart devices and wearables. With over 64 million monthly active users on Samsung Health, this move is not just a solution looking for a problem; it’s a warranted innovation.

My Vitality Score: Переломный момент

One standout feature of the Galaxy Ring is its My Vitality Score, which is similar to the Readiness scores on the Oura Ring and the Body Battery on Garmin watches. By tracking sleep health, activity, resting heart rate, and heart rate variability, the Galaxy Ring provides users with a clear understanding of their physical readiness and mental preparedness. But it doesn’t stop there. “Booster Cards” offer personalized advice and action items to guide users toward healthier behaviors.

Здоровье женщин в приоритете

Samsung understands the importance of catering to women’s health needs. Their partnership with Natural Cycles last year brought skin temperature and fertility tracking to the Galaxy Watch, and the same FDA-cleared technology will be present on the Galaxy Ring. This focus on women’s health sets the Galaxy Ring apart from its competitors.

Подборка, отделка и размеры

The Galaxy Ring is available in three colors (black, silver, and gold) and nine sizes (from 5 to 13). During a hands-on session with prototypes, journalists noticed slight differences in sizing compared to the Oura Ring. While lightweight and minimal, the Galaxy Ring is not completely unnoticeable when worn. So, if you crave discretion, the black option may be your best bet.

Конкуренция с лучшими

Samsung may not openly admit to wanting to dethrone Oura, but there’s no denying that the Galaxy Ring will compete directly against the market leader. However, Samsung has some advantages up its sleeve. The inward dip of the Galaxy Ring’s outer ring makes it more comfortable to wear, even for those with bloated fingers. Plus, if it seamlessly integrates with the Android ecosystem as Samsung claims, it will undoubtedly become the go-to option for millions of users worldwide.

Взгляд в будущее за пределами отслеживания фитнеса

The Galaxy Ring isn’t just a simplified health tracker. It aims to boost productivity and overall well-being by working harmoniously with other Samsung/Android devices. And who knows, it might even extend its compatibility to future Apple products. With the Galaxy Ring, Samsung wants users to look at the big picture and make the most of their connected lifestyle.

Оставшиеся вопросы

While the Galaxy Ring sounds promising, there are still unanswered questions. What are the other products or product categories that will complement the Galaxy Ring? How durable is it? And, of course, how much will it cost? Keep an eye out for Samsung’s summer Unpacked event, which typically takes place in July or August, for answers to these and more.

Q&A: Answering Additional Questions About the Galaxy Ring

Q: What are the key differences between the Galaxy Ring and the Oura Ring? A: While both rings track vital health metrics, the Galaxy Ring distinguishes itself with features like My Vitality Score, personalized Booster Cards, and a focus on women’s health. Additionally, the Galaxy Ring’s inward dip offers improved comfort for users with bloated fingers.

Q: Will the Galaxy Ring be compatible with Apple devices? A: Samsung has not explicitly mentioned Apple compatibility. However, given the Galaxy Ring’s aim to work seamlessly within the Android ecosystem, it’s possible that future compatibility with Apple products may be on the horizon.


Q: Может ли Galaxy Ring выдержать ежедневное носение и износ? A: Прочность Galaxy Ring конкретно не обсуждалась. Тем не менее, Samsung известен своим стремлением к качеству, поэтому вероятно, что Galaxy Ring будет спроектирован с учетом нагрузок ежедневного использования.

Q: У Galaxy Ring есть модель ценообразования на основе подписки? A: Детали ценообразования для Galaxy Ring пока не раскрыты, включая наличие или отсутствие подписочной платы. Следите за обновлениями с предстоящего мероприятия Unpacked от Samsung.

Влияние и будущее Galaxy Ring

Galaxy Ring представляет собой смелый вход Samsung на рынок кольцев, бросая вызов доминированию Oura и других конкурентов. С его голистическим подходом к отслеживанию здоровья, упором на здоровье женщин и плавной интеграцией в экосистему Android, у него есть потенциал нарушить рынок носимых устройств. По мере того, как технологии продолжают развиваться, мы можем ожидать дальнейших инноваций и улучшений в области здоровья, толкая нас к более связанному и здоровому будущему.


  1. Samsung Galaxy Ring: Характеристики, цена, доступность и все, что еще мы знаем
  2. Ожидания от MWC 2024
  3. RingConn выходит на Oura со своим впечатляющим безподписным умным кольцом
  4. Извините, Oura и Samsung: Apple Ring, по сообщениям, ‘неизбежен’
  5. Смотрите событие Samsung Galaxy S24 17 января

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