Ballistic Ventures собрала $360 млн на второй фонд в инвестициях в кибербезопасность

После реорганизации в компании Kleiner Perkins Тэд Шлейн, лучший инвестор в сфере B2B, создает собственную фирму. Ballistic успешно завершает второй, более крупный фонд за рекордно короткий срок. Наша цель была 300 миллионов долларов, но мы превзошли ее и собрали 360 миллионов.


Ted Schlein’s cybersecurity-focused venture, Ballistic Ventures, raised a second $360 million fund within just two years.

After making waves in the venture capital world with their first $300 million fund, Ballistic Ventures has closed a second fund, raising an impressive $360 million. The rapid success of Ballistic Ventures is a testament to their unique approach to investing in cybersecurity startups, their hands-on involvement with their portfolio companies, and their extensive network of contacts. Let’s dive into the details and explore why Ballistic Ventures is making waves in the industry. 🚀💸

Hands-on Approach to Investing

In an era where many venture capitalists pride themselves on being “founder-friendly” by keeping their distance from operations, Ballistic Ventures takes a completely different approach. They firmly believe in taking board seats and actively engaging with their portfolio companies. Their team, comprising experienced individuals who have run successful cybersecurity businesses, leverages their expertise and network to add value to their investments.

According to Ted Schlein, the founder of Ballistic Ventures and a former partner at Kleiner Perkins, “I’ve been at this for almost 30 years, and I almost always helped deliver the first 10 customers to every company that I have ever been on the board of.” This level of involvement sets Ballistic Ventures apart from other venture capital firms and ensures that their portfolio companies receive the support they need to thrive in the cybersecurity market.

Who’s Who in the Ballistic Ventures Team

The team at Ballistic Ventures is no ordinary group of individuals. They bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the table, making them a force to be reckoned with in the cybersecurity investment landscape.

Ted Schlein: As the founder of Ballistic Ventures and a veteran in the industry, Schlein has a track record of success. He continues to oversee his previous investments and board seats while making new investments through Ballistic Ventures.

Jake Seid: A general partner at Ballistic Ventures, Seid’s background includes stints at Cisco and startups. He is best known as an early partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners and for his own firm, Stone Bridge Ventures.

Roger Thornton: Another general partner at Ballistic Ventures, Thornton previously served as the CTO of threat-hunting exchange AlienVault, which was eventually sold to AT&T Cybersecurity. His expertise in the cybersecurity field adds immense value to the team.

Barmak Meftah: Meftah, also a general partner, played a key role in orchestrating the sale of AlienVault to AT&T Cybersecurity. His extensive network and strategic insights make him an invaluable asset to Ballistic Ventures.

Kevin Mandia: Former CEO of Mandiant, Mandia brings his deep knowledge of cybersecurity to Ballistic Ventures. Mandiant was acquired by Google in 2022, further solidifying Mandia’s reputation in the industry.

Early Success and Future Prospects

Although Ballistic Ventures has not fully deployed its first fund, they have already experienced success with one of their portfolio companies. Talon Cyber Security, a startup backed by Ballistic Ventures, was acquired by Palo Alto Networks in a deal valued at $625 million. This early exit demonstrates the potential of Ballistic Ventures’ investments and the value they bring to their portfolio companies.

With their second fund, Ballistic Ventures aims to continue investing in early-stage cybersecurity startups, asserting control by being the first institutional money on the cap table and taking board seats. This approach allows them to safeguard their investments from potentially harmful terms imposed by later investors. Additionally, Ballistic Ventures incubates startup ideas internally, nurturing and supporting entrepreneurs to build and run their ideas.

The future looks bright for Ballistic Ventures as they anticipate completing investments from their first fund and kickstarting investments from the second fund in just two months. Their focus on cybersecurity, hands-on approach, and experienced team position them for continued success in the dynamic world of technology startups.

🔍 Additional Topics of Interest

Q: How does Ballistic Ventures select the startups they invest in? A: Ballistic Ventures specializes in early-stage cybersecurity startups and prioritizes being the first institutional investor. Their hands-on involvement and extensive network contribute to their selection process, ensuring that they invest in companies with strong potential for growth and success.


Q: Есть ли другие заметные венчурные фонды кибербезопасности? A: В то время как Ballistic Ventures сделал себе имя, есть и другие заметные венчурные фонды, сосредоточенные на кибербезопасности. Некоторые примеры включают Kleiner Perkins, Accel, Sequoia Capital и ForgePoint Capital. Каждый из этих фондов приносит свой уникальный подход и экспертизу на стол, способствуя развитию экосистемы стартапов в области кибербезопасности.

Q: Каковы текущие тенденции в кибербезопасности? A: Отрасль кибербезопасности постоянно развивается для борьбы с новыми угрозами и вызовами. Некоторые ключевые тенденции включают увеличение использования искусственного интеллекта и машинного обучения для обнаружения и предотвращения угроз, растущее значение облачной безопасности и возникновение фреймворков безопасности нулевого доверия. Следить за этими тенденциями крайне важно как для профессионалов в области кибербезопасности, так и для инвесторов.

Q: Как ожидается развитие кибербезопасности в будущем? A: Будущее кибербезопасности, вероятно, увидит прогресс в таких технологиях, как квантовые вычисления и Интернет вещей (IoT), что принесет новые вызовы в области безопасности. Кроме того, постоянное увеличение данных и расширение атакующей поверхности из-за увеличения цифровой связанности потребует инновационных решений в области безопасности. Совместные усилия между отраслями, регулирующими органами и профессионалами в области кибербезопасности будут необходимы для эффективной борьбы с новыми угрозами.

Q: Как предпринимателям и стартапам привлечь венчурные фонды, такие как Ballistic Ventures? A: Чтобы привлечь внимание венчурных фондов, таких как Ballistic Ventures, предприниматели и стартапы должны сосредоточиться на создании сильного конкурентного предложения, продемонстрировать рыночный потенциал и продемонстрировать талантливую команду. Взаимодействие с индустриальными экспертами, сетевание и посещение соответствующих конференций и мероприятий также могут помочь предпринимателям установить связи и отношения с потенциальными инвесторами.

🔗 References:

  1. Partech closes second Africa fund, $300M to invest in seed and series C
  2. Goldman Sachs-backed ZestMoney valued at $450M and sold to DMI in a fire sale

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