Инновационный подход Sierra к опыту клиента в эре искусственного интеллекта | ENBLE

Новый стартап Брета Тейлора, Sierra, разрабатывает автономных AI-агентов, которые могут помогать клиентам в решении проблем и выполнении задач без человеческой помощи.


AI Agents: Revolutionizing Customer Experience with Conversational AI

Have you ever wished for a personal assistant who could understand your every need and take action on your behalf? Well, that dream is closer to reality than you might think. Meet Sierra, the brainchild of Bret Taylor and Clay Bavor, co-founders of the AI startup Sierra. They believe that AI agents have the potential to revolutionize the way customers interact with brands and enhance the overall customer experience.

🤖🔊 “AI agents are the future of customer interactions!” 🔊🤖

So, what exactly are AI agents? Taylor and Bavor view them as a whole new category of technology, similar to websites and mobile apps. These agents enable customers to enter free-form questions and requests into a search-style box, allowing the AI to understand and take action by connecting with the necessary transactional systems. Whether it’s looking up an order or rescheduling a delivery, AI agents are designed to handle a variety of tasks.

But connecting to these systems isn’t always a walk in the park 🏞️. Older systems can present challenges, but most Chief Information Officers (CIOs) have built APIs to bridge the gap, making communication smoother for AI agents like Sierra.

However, there are some serious hurdles to overcome when it comes to humans interacting with AI agents. 💥💬 Enter the hallucination problem. 💬💥 Sometimes, AI agents using large language models can make up information when faced with unfamiliar prompts. This can be detrimental to a brand’s reputation if inaccurate answers are provided. While hallucinations have not been fully resolved yet, Sierra is actively working on mitigating the issue. Their software employs autonomous agents, utilizing multiple models, including one they call “the supervisor,” which monitors answer quality and sends back questionable responses for reevaluation. The industry is still researching how to handle this challenge effectively.

Of course, there’s more than just hallucinations to worry about 🕵️‍♀️🔒. When dealing with customer data in an automated fashion, there are regulatory and data privacy issues that must be addressed. However, Taylor and Bavor assure customers that Sierra’s agents are designed with data security in mind.

Taylor believes that AI is fundamentally different from the software we’ve known for the past few decades. He emphasizes the need for educating customers about the power and risks of this new technology. With any major technological shift, there’s an opportunity for smaller companies to explore uncharted territory and try new things. Just as cloud and mobile technology created new opportunities, the rise of conversational AI will spawn meaningful enterprise software companies eager to seize the moment.

🌟📈 “Conversational AI: The birth of a new market!” 📈🌟

Sierra’s co-founders are aiming to disrupt the market with a new approach to pricing. Instead of traditional subscription fees or usage-based models, they propose an outcome-based pricing system. Customers would only pay when a problem is resolved, reflecting the true value delivered. While the exact mechanics are still being refined, Taylor envisions this as the future of software pricing, as AI agents not only increase productivity but also complete tasks.

Despite Sierra’s ambitions and the experience of its founders, there are formidable competitors in the market, particularly Taylor’s former company, Salesforce. The incumbents have a wealth of institutional experience and resources dedicated to AI research and development. However, Sierra has secured substantial funding, with $110 million invested thus far, including contributions from Benchmark and Sequoia. This demonstrates the faith investors have in Taylor, Bavor, and the potential of Sierra.

While the road ahead may be challenging, Sierra sees immense opportunities in transforming customer experience with AI. The key lies in tackling free-form AI-driven customer service agents’ pitfalls while fending off established enterprise rivals. Sierra must consistently deliver exceptional results at scale to succeed in this AI-driven era.

🔮✨ “Can Sierra shape the future of customer experience?” ✨🔮

Q&A: Answering Your Burning Questions About AI Agents

Q: How do AI agents improve customer experience?

A: AI agents, such as Sierra, offer an innovative way for customers to interact with brands. By allowing users to enter free-form questions and requests, AI agents can understand and fulfill their needs, enhancing overall customer experience.


Q: Есть ли риски при использовании AI-агентов?

A: Хотя выгоды значительны, существуют риски, связанные с AI-агентами. Одной из основных проблем является галлюцинация, когда AI-агенты иногда генерируют неверную информацию при столкновении с незнакомыми подсказками. Sierra посвятила себя решению этой проблемы и применила несколько моделей для контроля качества ответов.

Q: Как AI-агенты будут обращаться с вопросами конфиденциальности данных и регулирования?

A: AI-агенты Sierra разработаны для обработки данных клиентов безопасно с соблюдением требований регулирования. Конфиденциальность данных и безопасность – ключевые аспекты в процессе их разработки.

Q: Являются ли AI-агенты угрозой для человеческих рабочих мест?

A: AI-агенты не созданы для замены людей, а для расширения их возможностей. Они нацеливаются на улучшение взаимодействия с клиентами, оптимизацию процессов и повышение общей эффективности. Человеческая экспертиза и суждение остаются неотъемлемыми в определенных ситуациях.

Q: Как Sierra будет ценообразовывать свои услуги?

Sierra исследует уникальную модель ценообразования, основанную на результате. Клиенты будут платить только в случае решения проблемы, сопоставляя ценообразование с конкретными результатами, достигнутыми благодаря действиям AI-агента.

🌐 Для получения дополнительной информации о AI-агентах и будущем клиентского опыта ознакомьтесь с этими ресурсами:

  1. Digital Onboarding grabs $58M – Узнайте, как улучшение взаимодействия с клиентами в цифровом формате может быть полезным.
  2. Sierra Space joins defense primes, landing massive military satellite contract – Узнайте о приверженности Sierra к AI-агентам как следующему фронтиру в технологиях.
  3. Bret Taylor’s new AI company aims to help customers get answers and complete tasks automatically – Получите представление о миссии Sierra и видении ее основателей относительно потенциала AI-агентов.
  4. Want chronological timeline threads? Here’s the problem – Исследуйте проблемы, связанные с проблемами галлюцинаций в AI-системах.
  5. No one seemed to see Bret Taylor stepping away from Salesforce (even Marc Benioff) – Узнайте больше о пути Брета Тейлора и создании Sierra.

🙌✍️ Теперь, когда вы узнали об удивительном потенциале AI-агентов, поделитесь этой статьей со своими друзьями и коллегами. Давайте вместе об embrace the future of customer experience together! ✍️🙌
