SNK, принадлежащий Саудовской Аравии, собирается возродить любимый франшизу, но какую именно?

В работе ли возрождение классической игры SNK без боевой составляющей? На горизонте новый Metal Slug?


SNK and ARIKA Team Up to Bring Classic Arcade Game back: Could it be Metal Slug?

Imagine yourself stepping into a dimly lit, smoky arcade in the 1990s. The air is filled with the sound of buttons being mashed and the cheers of gamers engrossed in intense battles. In the midst of it all, there stands a shining beacon of gaming greatness – the NEOGEO arcade cabinets. This iconic hardware and its games, created by the legendary company SNK, have left an indelible mark on the history of video gaming.

Known primarily for their exceptional fighting games that posed a challenge to even the mighty Street Fighter, the NEOGEO series also boasts other unforgettable gaming experiences. Games like Metal Slug and Aero Fighters 2 have become timeless classics, cherished by gamers of all ages. In fact, I was so enamored with these games that a few years ago, I even treated myself to some original NEOGEO arcade hardware, just so I could relive the magic.

That brings us to the present day, where exciting news has emerged from SNK. Following their acquisition by Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Electronic Gaming Development Company in 2022, SNK has partnered with ARIKA, tantalizing gamers with the promise of reviving one of their classic non-fighting franchises.

Now, hold your breath and cross your fingers, because this could potentially mean the return of Metal Slug! 🤞 Although it has been years since the last installment, the existing catalog of Metal Slug games is still eminently playable through emulators or even on platforms like Steam. But oh, how sweet it would be to have a fresh, modern Metal Slug experience!

Of course, there are other possibilities as well. SNK has a treasure trove of beloved shoot ’em-ups like Pulstar, or they could even surprise us with left-field choices like Super Baseball. But deep down, every true fan hopes for Metal Slug. After all, as great as Neo Turf Masters was as a golf game, we can’t imagine anyone clamoring for its return instead of Metal Slug. Can we?

One interesting twist in this collaboration is ARIKA’s involvement. Although they have been primarily known for their work on fighting games like Street Fighter and Tekken 7 and 8, they have also delved into reboots of classic IPs. They brought new life to Tetris with the popular Tetris 99 and gave Pac-Man a fresh coat of paint with Pac-Man 99. With their expertise in revitalizing old franchises, ARIKA’s partnership with SNK is brimming with potential.

So, get ready to dust off your Neo Geo console, fire up your emulators, or keep a close eye on platforms like Steam. The announcement of a revived classic arcade game from SNK and ARIKA could be just around the corner, and it’s an exciting time for fans of these timeless gems.

🕹️ Q&A with the Experts

Q: Is there any news about which classic game SNK and ARIKA are bringing back? A: While the specific game has not been announced yet, fans are fervently hoping for the return of Metal Slug, a beloved franchise known for its action-packed side-scrolling gameplay and humorous storytelling. Let’s keep our fingers crossed!

Q: What are some other non-fighting franchises from SNK that could potentially be revived? A: Aside from Metal Slug, there are a few other franchises that SNK could consider bringing back. Pulstar, a challenging shoot ’em-up, and Super Baseball, a unique take on America’s favorite pastime, are both well-regarded classics. However, the anticipation for Metal Slug remains at an all-time high.

Q: Who is ARIKA, and what is their experience with classic IPs? A: ARIKA is a game development company with a rich history in fighting games. They have worked on notable titles like Street Fighter and Tekken 7 and 8. Additionally, ARIKA has demonstrated their ability to breathe new life into old IPs with successful reboots of Tetris and Pac-Man. Their collaboration with SNK is a promising venture for fans of classic arcade games.

Q: Are there any plans to release the revived game on modern platforms like consoles or PC? A: While specific details about platforms have not been provided, it’s highly likely that the revived game will find its way onto modern platforms. SNK has previously released their games on consoles like PlayStation and Xbox, as well as on PC via platforms like Steam. Rest assured, gamers will have multiple avenues to enjoy this nostalgic experience.


Q: Как мне быть в курсе последних новостей и объявлений о сотрудничестве компаний SNK и ARIKA? A: Чтобы быть в курсе, убедитесь, что вы подписаны на официальные социальные каналы SNK и ARIKA. Обращайте внимание на игровые новостные веб-сайты и форумы. Анонс возрождения классической игры непременно вызовет интерес, поэтому вам не захочется пропустить никаких обновлений!

Сотрудничество между SNK и ARIKA возродило искру ожидания среди геймеров по всему миру. Возрождение классической аркадной игры обещает перенести нас назад в золотой век гейминга, оставаясь при этом интересным и новаторским для современной аудитории. Так давайте держать наши джойстики под рукой и принять это захватывающее новое глава в истории игр.

Рекомендуемое чтение:

  1. Официальный сайт SNK
  2. Официальный сайт ARIKA
  3. Серия игр Metal Slug на Steam
  4. Воспоминания о NEOGEO: Опыт в искусстве игр
  5. Эволюция аркадных игр: От аркад до гостиной

🎮 Поделитесь своими мыслями с нами! Какую классическую игру из каталога SNK вам бы хотелось видеть возрожденной? Дайте нам знать в комментариях ниже и не забудьте поделиться этим захватывающими новостями со своими феллоу-геймерами!

* 🌟*
