Samsung превысила целевые продажи Galaxy S24 триумф на рынке смартфонов.

Успешные продажи в США заставляют Samsung пересмотреть цели продаж Galaxy S24, согласно Android Headlines.


Samsung adjusts its Galaxy S24 goals following exceptional sales in the U.S.

Samsung revises Galaxy S24

Record-breaking sales in the US have forced Samsung to revise its sales targets for the Galaxy S24 series, according to an article from Digital Trends. Initially aiming to sell 12 million units within the first three months of its January 2024 launch, Samsung has now revised its target to 13 million. This increase is a result of tremendous demand worldwide, including in India, South Korea, and Europe. The tech giant is expected to sell a total of 35 million units this year.

🔥 Pre-order records have been shattered in numerous markets, setting the stage for the Galaxy S24 series’ tremendous success. Sales in the US have reached an eight-year high, solidifying its popularity. In fact, the S24 series’ early sales figures have come close to breaking the record set by the Galaxy Note 10, falling short by only three days.

In South Korea, the Galaxy S24 series sold over one million units in just 28 days, surpassing the previous record set by the Galaxy S7 in 2017. The Galaxy S23, on the other hand, took approximately seven weeks to reach one million sales.

Meanwhile, renowned tech tipster Ice Universe predicts that the Galaxy S24 series will “sell more than 10 million units within one month of launch” with over 3.2 million units expected to be sold in North America alone.

Samsung Fights Back: Apple’s Reign is Over

Ever since Apple dethroned Samsung as the world’s leading smartphone provider in 2023, the Korean tech giant has been working hard to reclaim its crown. Apple experienced a 1% year-on-year increase in sales during Q4 of 2023, while Samsung’s unit sales suffered a significant 12% dip, especially in European markets. However, with the massive success of the Galaxy S24 series, Samsung is poised to make a strong comeback ahead of Apple’s highly-anticipated release of the iPhone 16.


The Impact and Future of Samsung’s Success

Samsung’s triumph in the smartphone market has far-reaching implications. With the Galaxy S24 series exceeding sales expectations, Samsung has the potential to regain its dominance in the industry. This success will not only boost the company’s market share but also strengthen its brand image.

For consumers, the Galaxy S24 series promises cutting-edge technology and an exceptional user experience. It showcases Samsung’s commitment to innovation and its ability to deliver high-quality products that meet the demands of the modern smartphone user.

Looking ahead, it will be interesting to see how Samsung’s success impacts its competitors and influences future developments in the smartphone market. Rivalries between tech giants like Samsung and Apple spur innovation and push the boundaries of what’s possible in mobile technology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How does the sales success of the Galaxy S24 series benefit Samsung? 🌟

A: The impressive sales figures of the Galaxy S24 series work in Samsung’s favor by strengthening its market presence and brand reputation. This success will boost the company’s revenue and enable it to invest more in research and development for future innovations.

Q: What sets the Galaxy S24 series apart from previous Samsung launches? 🚀

A: The Galaxy S24 series stands out due to its exceptional sales performance, breaking pre-order records and achieving significant milestones in terms of reaching one million sales. Its success speaks to the appeal and popularity of the device among consumers.

Q: How does Samsung’s sales success impact the competition, particularly Apple? 🍎


A: Триумф Samsung создает давление на его конкурентов, включая Apple. Возрастание Apple до вершины в 2023 году было ударом для Samsung, но успех продаж серии Galaxy S24 позволяет Samsung восстановить импульс и конкурировать ожесточенно с предстоящим выпуском iPhone 16.


Серия Galaxy S24 от Samsung произвела впечатляющий отпечаток на рынке смартфонов, превысив целевые показатели продаж и вызвав огромный спрос по всему миру. Этот триумф позиционирует Samsung как серьезного конкурента и демонстрирует его способность предложить инновационные и высоко востребованные продукты. По мере развития отрасли будет увлекательно видеть, как развивается успех Samsung и формирует будущее мобильных технологий.

🔥 Поделитесь своими мыслями о успехе продаж Samsung и серии Galaxy S24 в комментариях ниже! Не забудьте поделиться этой статьей с друзьями в социальных сетях. Давайте отметим триумф Samsung вместе! 🎉


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