Генеральный директор компании Rabbit не боится техногигантов игра на выживание стартапа

Джесси Лью, сооснователь и генеральный директор компании Rabbit, по словам интервью TechCrunch, не боится возможного распада компании


Rabbit’s Jesse Lyu talks about startups Grow quickly or fail quickly, but never give up | ENBLE

📷 rabbit

Rabbit, a promising startup in the world of pocket AI assistants, is bravely facing the giants of the tech industry. Despite the looming threat of Google, Microsoft, and Apple, Rabbit’s CEO, Jesse Lyu, remains undeterred. In an interview at the StrictlyVC LA event, Lyu explained his philosophical approach to the survival game. Let’s dive into Rabbit’s journey and explore the impressive capabilities of their pocket AI assistant, the r1.

The Birth of Rabbit’s r1: A Vision Realized

📷 r1

Lyu shared that the inspiration for the r1 came to him a decade ago, but technology wasn’t ready yet. Now, he believes it’s the perfect time to bring his vision to life. The r1 is a compact device, smaller than a phone, solely powered by voice commands. It not only answers questions and engages in conversations like ChatGPT but also remotely operates apps and performs complex actions. Lyu refers to these two parts as “intent” and “action,” creating a seamless user experience.

Complex Actions Made Simple: The Large Action Model

Lyu acknowledged the limitations of existing language models in performing complex tasks. Using super-prompts with language models proved to be a time-consuming and inefficient approach. Instead, Rabbit developed the “large action model.” This model learns from hours of user interactions with popular apps like Spotify, Uber, Expedia, and DoorDash. By analyzing these interactions frame by frame, Rabbit’s AI extracts the necessary elements and builds a logic to automate tasks efficiently.

Language Powered by Perplexity: Rabbit’s Unique Blend

To enhance the language capabilities of the r1, Rabbit relies on third-party language model services like Perplexity. This collaboration allows Rabbit to leverage the strengths of various language models while offering users an enriched experience. Perplexity even offers a year of free service on top of what the r1 provides, further showcasing the synergy between Rabbit and their partners.

Surviving the Startup Game: Innovation and Adaptive Strategy

Despite the dominance of tech giants investing billions in AI, Lyu maintains a Zen-like perspective on Rabbit’s survival. He acknowledges that startups face challenges and uncertainties, and that super-confidence is delusional. Instead, he focuses on working relentlessly on Rabbit’s mission. The competition from tech giants can either propel Rabbit’s growth or expedite their demise. Lyu sees it as a survival game, and he’s determined to do his best, come what may.

Q&A: Addressing Additional Reader Concerns

Q: How does Rabbit’s r1 compare to other virtual assistants?

A: Rabbit’s r1 stands out due to its compact design, impressive language understanding capabilities, and the ability to perform complex actions. While other virtual assistants rely on general language models, Rabbit’s large action model allows for greater automation and efficiency in popular apps.

Q: Will Rabbit introduce a subscription model?

A: Currently, Rabbit focuses on keeping the r1 affordable and straightforward. However, users will have the opportunity to train and sell their own app-specific models in the future, with Rabbit taking a share. This long-term plan is still under development, and specific details have yet to be finalized.

The Future of Rabbit: Innovation and Resilience

Rabbit’s journey in the face of tech giants offers a valuable lesson in resilience and adaptability. While startups like Rabbit cannot match the resources of industry giants, their unique perspectives, innovative approaches, and determination define their success. The future holds great promise for Rabbit as they continue to improve their offerings and thrive amidst competition.


  1. Присоединяйтесь к StrictlyVC LA
  2. Кролик r1: восхитительный AI-компаньон
  3. Может ли яркий дизайн выделить кролика r1?

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