Готовьтесь к самому тонкому iPad Pro! 💻✨

Apple разрабатывает новую модель iPad Pro, запланированную для выпуска в марте, обновление которой представляет самый крупный дизайн-ремонт на данный момент.


CAD drawings showcase the slim design of the new OLED iPad Pro.

Apple fans, brace yourselves for some exciting news! 🍎📱 The tech giant is set to launch a brand new version of the iPad Pro in March, and let me tell you, it’s going to be a game-changer! 🎮💥 This refresh is going to be the biggest design update to the Pro lineup since 2018, and the changes are going to blow your mind! 💣💥

OLED Displays Take Center Stage 🌈🖥️

One major update we can expect with the next-gen iPad Pro is the transition to OLED displays. This shift is going to bring a whole new level of brilliance to your screen! 🌈✨ The move to OLED means we’ll see improved HDR, richer colors, deeper blacks, and overall better image quality. 😍🌟

So far, Apple has only used OLED technology in devices like the Apple Watch and iPhone, but now, it’s making its grand debut in an iPad of this size! 🌟🎉 Say goodbye to the limitations of LCD displays and get ready for a visual feast on your iPad Pro! 🍽️📱

Thinner Than Ever Before 📏💨

But wait, there’s more! The upcoming iPad Pro models are going to be thinner than ever before! 📱💨 In fact, CAD drawings of the ~11-inch and ~13-inch models have given us a sneak peek into just how slim these devices will be. And let me tell you, they’re going to be wafer-thin! 🥞💆

Case makers have leaked these CAD drawings because they know just how valuable this information is. They want to be the first to market with protective cases for these new devices! 😏📐 So, based on these measurements, here’s a comparison between the current models and the upcoming ones:

  • Current 11-inch iPad Pro: 247.6mm x 178.5mm x 5.9mm
  • Upcoming ~11-inch iPad Pro: 249.7mm x 177.5mm x 5.1mm
  • Current 12.9-inch iPad Pro: 280.6mm x 214.9mm x 6.4mm
  • Upcoming ~13-inch iPad Pro: 281.5mm x 215.5mm x 5.0mm

Can you believe it? The new iPad Pro models are going to shed over 1mm of thickness compared to their predecessors! It’s like going from a hearty pancake stack to a delicate crepe masterpiece! 🥞🥮

The Power Within ⚡🔋

But let’s not just focus on the design. We all know that a powerful engine is what makes these devices truly shine! ⚡✨ The next-gen iPad Pro models are rumoured to come with faster 3-nanometer M3 chips. 💪💨 These mighty processors will ensure snappy performance and make multitasking a breeze! 🌪️💨

And that’s not all, folks! Rumour has it that MagSafe charging might make its way to the iPad Pro as well! This means you can enjoy the convenience of quick and effortless charging with compatible accessories. Say goodbye to fumbling with charging cables! 👋🔌

A Perfect Match: New Magic Keyboard and Upgraded Apple Pencil 💕✏️

Apple never disappoints when it comes to accessories! Alongside the new iPad Pro, we can expect to see a shiny new Magic Keyboard and an upgraded Apple Pencil. ✨💕 The Magic Keyboard will provide a delightful typing experience, while the upgraded Apple Pencil will take your creativity to new heights! 🎨🖌️

Now that you’re all caught up on what to expect from the upcoming iPad Pro models, it’s time to mark your calendars for March! The wait won’t be long, my tech-savvy friends! 🗓️🎉

But hey, don’t just keep this exciting news to yourself! Share it with your friends and family. Let them in on the secret of the thinnest and most powerful iPad Pro yet! 📣🎈 After all, good news is meant to be shared! 😉


🤔 Ответы на вопросы читателей 🤔

В: Будут ли OLED-дисплеи быстрее разряжать батарею? О: OLED-дисплеи действительно потребляют немного больше энергии при отображении ярких цветов, но энергоэффективность в других сценариях, таких как отображение темных тем, компенсирует эту разницу. Так что, хотя это может незначительно повлиять на срок службы батареи, общий опыт и качество дисплея определенно того стоят!

В: Могут ли новые модели iPad Pro использоваться для игр? О: Абсолютно! Комбинация мощных чипов M3 и потрясающих OLED-дисплеев делает предстоящие модели iPad Pro идеальными для игр. Будь то казуальные игры или более графически интенсивные тайтлы, эти устройства поднимут вашу игровую иcпанiю на новый уровень! 🎮🌟

В: Будет ли новая Magic Keyboardсовместима со старыми моделями iPad Pro? О: Новая Magic Keyboard разработана специально для предстоящих моделей iPad Pro. Хотя она физически может подойти для старых моделей, функции и опции подключения могут не совпадать. Всегда лучше проверить совместимость перед покупкой.


  1. Apple’s OLED Roadmap: New iPad Pro, Mini, and Foldable iPad
  2. MagSafe Charger Prototype Reveals Abandoned 2010s Design
  3. Get the Best Prices This Season on Popular Apple Accessories
  4. iPad Pro Guide: Unveiling the Magic of OLED Displays

Изображения: Изображение 1, Изображение 2, Изображение 3, Изображение 4, Изображение 5.
