🎮 Приложение New York Times Games проходит ребрендинг ближе к рассмотрению нового дизайна

Приложение NYT Games представляет свежий новый дизайн, направленный на упрощение поиска игр и предоставление более удобного опыта отслеживания прогресса для пользователей.


NYT Games introduces a revamped app to enhance user exploration and make navigation easier | ENBLE

🔍 The New York Times (NYT) Games app has recently undergone a major redesign to enhance the user experience and make it easier for users to discover and track their progress in games. In this article, we’ll dive into the details of the redesign, analyze the impact it may have, and discuss future developments. So, buckle up and let’s explore the exciting world of NYT Games!

A Hub for All Games

📱 The NYT Games app has evolved from being solely crossword-focused to becoming a comprehensive gaming hub. With the addition of various games over time, the app needed a redesign to accommodate its expanding portfolio. Jennifer Scheerer, the NYT Games product design director, explained in an interview with ENBLE that the aim was to create a space that catered to all games, not just crosswords.

💡 To achieve this, the redesign introduces new game card designs and streamlines navigation. The vibrant use of color and clear brand icons enable new players to quickly discover the games they are interested in. For experienced players, the functional game cards provide a progress overview, incentivizing them to continue playing and finish their ongoing puzzles.

Simplified Navigation

🧭 The redesign also simplifies navigation by consolidating all games, archives, and packs in one place. Previously, the app featured a horizontal scroll that primarily focused on crosswords, with other games hidden away. However, with the new design, all games are easily accessible with a simple list, making it effortless for users to find and enjoy their desired games.

⚙️ In terms of the app’s structure, the redesign reduces the number of bottom tabs from five to three to streamline the homepage. The tabs now include “Games,” “Stats,” and “Leaderboard,” providing a more focused and user-friendly experience. The team behind the redesign experimented with different tab configurations to find the most effective setup.

Personalized Greetings for a Welcoming Touch

🌟 The new design incorporates personalized greetings to create a warm and inviting atmosphere for players. These greetings change throughout the day, responding to factors such as whether you’ve opened a game in the morning or are returning later in the evening. A thoughtful touch like this sets the tone for an enjoyable gaming session.

The Future of NYT Games

🔮 This redesign is just the beginning of the NYT Games team’s vision for the future. Lian Chang, the principal product designer, and Jennifer Scheerer emphasized their commitment to listening to user feedback and continually improving the gaming hub. As the app evolves, they plan to add new games, introduce more features, and ensure that user needs are always at the forefront of their development process.

💡 If you’re eager to try out the redesigned NYT Games app, you can download it from the App Store or Google Play Store and start exploring a world of exciting games and puzzles!

💡 Q&A Content

🤔 Q: What types of games are available in the NYT Games app?

🎮 A: The NYT Games app offers a range of games beyond just crosswords. You can find various puzzles, word games, strategy games, and more! The redesign aims to provide a hub that caters to all game genres, ensuring there’s something for everyone.

🤔 Q: Can I track my progress in multiple games at once?

🎮 A: Absolutely! The redesigned game cards in the NYT Games app reflect your progress, making it easy to see what you’ve played and how far along you are in each game. Whether you’re focusing on one game or juggling multiple puzzles, the app has got you covered.

🤔 Q: Will there be new games added in the future?

🎮 A: The NYT Games team is dedicated to expanding and enhancing the gaming hub. With the redesigned app in place, they have the flexibility to add new games and introduce exciting features as they go. So, stay tuned for future updates and get ready for even more gaming adventures!

🌍 References

🔗 To learn more about the NYT Games app redesign and the world of gaming, check out the following links:


  1. NYT Games App Redesign – ENBLE
  2. The New York Times Games App (iOS) – App Store
  3. The New York Times Games App (Android) – Google Play Store

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