Копилот ваш новый компьютерный напарник 🦸‍♂️

У вас в данный момент может не быть Копилот ключа на вашей клавиатуре ПК, но как пользователь Windows 11, вы в скором времени сможете использовать Копилот для широкого спектра повседневных задач.


Microsoft’s Windows 11 Copilot improves with added plugins and skills.

You may not have a Copilot key on your PC’s keyboard yet, but if you’re a Windows 11 user, get ready for some exciting news! Microsoft is expanding the capabilities of Copilot, making it your go-to sidekick for a wide range of everyday tasks on your desktop. 🖥️💪

Evolving Skills and Plugins 🛠️

Starting in late March, Copilot will gain new skills that allow it to change more Windows 11 settings for you. Say goodbye to tedious manual adjustments and let the AI do the work. Need to turn your battery saver on and off? No problem! Want to display device, system, and battery information? Copilot has got you covered! It can also launch live captions, activate the text-to-speech Narrator, show your IP address, and even empty your recycle bin. 🗑️🔋

But it’s not just about these specific skills; it’s about the possibilities they suggest. Microsoft is laying the foundation for a future where Copilot can handle even more complex tasks on your PC, living up to its name as a true copilot for your digital endeavors. Imagine having an AI assistant that can navigate through applications and manipulate them effortlessly, freeing you up to focus on the things that truly matter. 🚀💼

To further expand Copilot’s influence, Microsoft is introducing plugins for popular services like OpenTable, Shopify, and Kayak. Need to make a restaurant reservation? Copilot has your back. Planning a trip? No worries, it’ll find you the best deals through Kayak. And if you’re running an online business, the Shopify integration will streamline your operations. These handy plugins will roll out over the next month, ensuring you have everything you need at your digital fingertips. 🍽️✈️💰

AI-Powered Enhancements ✨

In addition to these exciting developments, Microsoft is integrating more AI features into its existing Windows apps. The Photos app is introducing a generative erase feature, similar to what Google has offered in Google Photos. Although it may not be as powerful as Photoshop’s generative fill, it’s a step towards enhancing your editing experience. For the videographers out there, Clipchamp’s video editor now automatically removes silence from your videos, saving you valuable editing time. These enhancements are available today, so go ahead and explore their capabilities. 📸🎥

What Does the Future Hold? 🔮

With Copilot expanding its abilities and becoming more deeply ingrained in the Windows ecosystem, the possibilities are endless. Microsoft seems to be aiming for a general PC copilot that can handle complex tasks and replace some applications altogether. The day may come when you no longer need to worry about manually juggling multiple apps or constantly tweaking settings. Copilot will do it all seamlessly in the background, allowing you to focus on your work and enjoy a more effortless computing experience. 🚀💻

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered ❓

Q: Can I customize Copilot’s skills and choose which ones to enable? A: At the moment, the available skills are predetermined by Microsoft. However, as Copilot continues to evolve, it’s possible that users will have more control over customizing its capabilities in the future.

Q: Will Copilot support third-party plugins from other services or platforms? A: Currently, Microsoft is rolling out plugins for OpenTable, Shopify, and Kayak. While there’s no official confirmation, it’s not far-fetched to envision Copilot expanding its plugin support for other services and platforms in the future.

Q: How does Copilot ensure the security of my personal information while performing tasks on my PC? A: Microsoft prioritizes user privacy and security. While Copilot may access certain settings and applications on your PC to perform tasks, rest assured that Microsoft takes the necessary precautions to protect your personal information. It’s always advisable to keep your system and applications up to date with the latest security patches to further enhance your protection.

Stay Tuned for an Enhanced Computing Experience 📡

As we eagerly await the arrival of Copilot’s expanded skills and plugins, Microsoft’s dedication to enhancing the Windows 11 experience is evident. Whether it’s simplifying your settings, integrating with popular services, or improving default apps, Copilot is here to lend a helping hand. 🤝


Итак, будьте готовы принять Copilot в качестве вашего нового компьютерного напарника и позвольте ему заниматься рутинными задачами, пока вы сосредоточены на том, что действительно важно. Поделитесь этой захватывающей новостью с друзьями и подписчиками в социальных сетях и дайте им знать, что будущее вычислений становится ярче и более легким. ✨🚀

References: 1. GitHub делает чат Copilot обычно доступным 2. Microsoft запускает профессиональный план для Copilot 3. Google Maps экспериментирует с генеративным искусственным интеллектом для улучшения открытий 4. Забудьте о Apple Vision Pro — кролик r1 — самый захватывающий запуск 2024 года

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