Мольбы Майкрософта о замене Google на устройствах Apple история невзаимной любви ❤️

Microsoft сделала несколько попыток убедить Apple использовать Bing как основной поисковой движок для Safari или приобрести его полностью, как выяснилось.


Microsoft asked Apple to make Bing the default search engine in Safari.

🔍 Image: Microsoft Bing

Microsoft has been making moves behind the scenes, trying to woo Apple into making Bing the default search engine for Safari. According to court documents obtained during Google’s ongoing antitrust case against the U.S. Justice Department, Microsoft made multiple attempts from 2009 to 2020 to convince Apple to ditch Google in favor of Bing. 💔

Can Bing Measure Up to Google’s Search Quality? 🤔

Despite Microsoft’s persistence, Apple held their ground and continuously rejected the offer. The reason? Concerns over Bing’s search quality compared to Google’s. The court filings shed light on Apple’s evaluation process, revealing that they thoroughly examined Bing’s capabilities against Google’s. Eddy Cue, Apple’s Senior Vice President of Services, expressed skepticism about Bing’s search quality and Microsoft’s investment in search technology. 🕵️‍♂️

In 2018, Microsoft upped the ante and not only suggested making Bing the default search engine but also offered to sell Bing to Apple or establish a joint venture centered around the search engine. However, Apple remained firm in their decision and declined these proposals as well. 💼

Google’s Billions Secures Their Spot as Apple’s Default Search Engine 💵

But why is Google so invested in being the default search engine on Apple devices? Well, the answer is simple – money. Google reportedly pays billions of dollars to maintain its position as the default search engine on Apple devices. It’s an investment that guarantees Google significant traffic and advertising revenue. 💸

In the ongoing antitrust case, Google argues that Microsoft’s persistent attempts to sway Apple demonstrate the fierce competition in the search engine market. They believe it counters allegations that Google is monopolizing web search advertising. However, Apple’s unwavering loyalty to Google despite Microsoft’s advances raises interesting questions. 🤔

Q&A Content:

Q: Why did Apple consistently decline Microsoft’s offers? A: Apple cited concerns about Bing’s search quality compared to Google’s as the main reason for rejecting Microsoft’s proposals.

Q: What insights do the court filings provide about Apple’s decision-making process? A: The filings highlight Apple’s meticulous evaluation of Bing’s capabilities and their skepticism toward Microsoft’s investment in search technology.

Q: How much does Google pay to remain the default search engine on Apple devices? A: Google reportedly pays billions of dollars to secure its position as the default search engine on Apple devices, ensuring a steady stream of traffic and advertising revenue.

The Battle for Search Engine Supremacy Continues 🥊

The rivalry between Microsoft and Google is not new. Bing has been striving to dethrone Google for years, but it has faced an uphill battle. Despite Microsoft’s efforts to court Apple, Google remains firmly positioned as Apple’s default search engine. 🏰

As technology continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to see how this battle shapes the future of search engine dominance. Will Bing ever be able to measure up to Google’s popularity and quality? Only time will tell. ⏳


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