Приложение для изучения языков Loora использует искусственный интеллект для обучения английскому языку.

Loora, приложение для изучения английского языка, получило 12 миллионов долларов в рамках финансирования раунда А, увеличивая общую сумму инвестиций до


Loora aims to use AI for English teaching | ENBLE

Of all the professions that are at risk of being replaced by AI, language teachers find themselves in a precarious position. Not because it’s a good idea, mind you, but because some employers, such as Duolingo, see AI as a cost-effective alternative to human experts. However, some companies argue that AI can do what language teachers can’t—and do it at scale.

One such company is Loora, which has developed an iOS app that uses conversational AI to teach English to students. The founders, Roy Mor and Yonti Levin, were inspired by their frustration with existing language learning apps and the high cost of human tutors. Loora offers a range of AI-generated conversation subjects and scenarios for learners to choose from, such as sports, tech, business, fashion, books, TV shows, interviews, and presentations. The app provides feedback on grammar, pronunciation, and accent, and offers translations if users get stuck.

Loora’s scoring system allows users to track their proficiency over time, and this data is used to personalize conversations to their speaking level. While other English learning platforms offer similar features, Loora sets itself apart by targeting “serious learners” who aim to achieve fluency in English for personal and professional growth. Unlike many gamified language apps, Loora focuses on enabling users to go beyond casual conversational skills and become truly fluent in English.

According to Mor, Loora is particularly well-suited for specific language learning use cases. For example, if a learner wants to discuss business concepts at a high level for work purposes, a tutor with limited domain knowledge would be poorly suited to teach English for that specific purpose. Loora’s app, on the other hand, doesn’t have these limitations, making it a better fit for specialized language learning needs.

However, it’s important to note the limitations of language education apps, especially those without human feedback. A Michigan State University study found that while participants improved in grammar and vocabulary using popular language learning apps, only around 60% showed improvement in oral proficiency—the most challenging aspect of learning a language digitally. The study concluded that a hybrid approach, combining online and classroom learning, is the most effective for acquiring and retaining second language skills.

But despite these limitations, Loora has attracted investors who recognize the size of the English language learning market, projected to reach over $70 billion by 2030 according to Research and Markets. Loora recently announced that it raised $12 million in a Series A funding round led by QP Ventures, with participation from Hearst Ventures, Emerge, and Two Lanterns Venture Partners. This brings Loora’s total raised to $21.25 million, and the funds will be used to develop an Android app, enhance Loora’s core AI technology and conversational capabilities, and expand their workforce.

In addition to consumer users, Loora plans to launch an enterprise service to cater to employers, universities, and institutions. By making the app accessible to a broader audience, Loora aims to accelerate its growth in the English learning market. With efficient unit economics, a growing customer base, and a strong demand for English learning solutions, Loora believes it’s well-positioned to weather potential challenges and continue to serve learners.

Q&A: Everything you wanted to know about Loora

Q: How does Loora’s AI technology compare to other language learning apps?

Loora differentiates itself by focusing on “serious learners” who want to achieve fluency in English. While other language learning apps are limited and gamified, Loora is designed to go beyond casual conversational skills. They use their own data and bespoke training and evaluation system to continuously improve retention. This dedicated approach sets Loora apart from its competitors.

Q: Can AI truly replace human language teachers?

That’s a hotly debated topic. While AI language learning apps like Loora offer convenience and cost savings, they can’t match the human touch and personalized feedback that human teachers provide. The effectiveness of language learning apps depends on the individual’s learning style and the level of language proficiency they want to achieve. A hybrid approach that combines online learning with classroom instruction is still considered the most effective way to learn and retain second language skills.

Q: What impact does Loora’s funding have on their future development?

With $12 million raised in their Series A funding round, Loora has plans to develop an Android app, enhance their AI technology and conversational capabilities, and expand their workforce. This funding will allow them to reach a wider audience and offer their services to businesses, universities, and institutions. By providing an enterprise service, Loora aims to grow its customer base and solidify its position in the English language learning market.


Q: Как планирует Лора преодолеть ограничения цифровых приложений для изучения языков?

Ограничения цифровых приложений для изучения языков, особенно улучшение устной грамотности, оказались вызовом для отрасли. Лора собирается решить эту проблему, непрерывно улучшая свои модели и внедряя обратную связь пользователей для улучшения ее разговорных возможностей. Используя технологию искусственного интеллекта и внедряя человекоподобное взаимодействие, Лора стремится предоставить более захватывающий и эффективный опыт обучения языку.

Q: Какие планы у Лоры на будущее за пределами их текущего предложения приложения?

Видение Лоры простирается за их текущим потребительским приложением. Они планируют запустить предприятий сервис, который будет обслуживать работодателей, университеты и учреждения. Сотрудничая с этими организациями, Лора стремится сделать изучение английского языка более доступным для тех, кому это больше всего необходимо. Расширяя свою клиентскую базу, Лора намерена вырасти экспоненциально и укрепить свою позицию как ведущий поставщик решений по изучению английского языка.


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