Проблема взаимодействия при создании приложений на блокчейне

Следить за техническими инновациями в криптовалюте может быть сложным, но одно остается неизменным - создание приложений на блокчейне известно как непростая задача.


Initia secures $7.5 million in funding to make blockchain development easier.

It’s no secret that building blockchain applications is a complex and challenging process. The decentralized nature of blockchain technology means there is a lack of uniform standards across different infrastructure pieces, making it difficult for developers to create interoperable solutions. But fear not, because Initia, a startup founded by a group of talented developers in their late 20s, is on a mission to bring more interoperability to multichain networks and simplify the process of building app-specific blockchains, also known as app chains.

The Rise of App Chains

While popular household blockchains like Ethereum and Bitcoin have captured most users’ attention, app chains have emerged as a solution that provides developers with more freedom and customization options. App chains allow developers to design blockchain applications with unique economic and governance structures, giving them greater flexibility in creating decentralized solutions tailored to specific use cases.

However, the fragmentation of the blockchain landscape has created significant challenges for users. Imagine having to deal with different types of gas fees, wallets, and explorers just to use different features within the same app. It’s like being asked to pay in multiple currencies and connect multiple payment methods to a single application. This complexity is further magnified when moving assets between blockchains, as each chain may have its own version of the same token due to transfer paths or bridges.

Thankfully, Initia is here to simplify this convoluted landscape.

Introducing Initia’s Solution

Initia addresses the challenges faced by both users and developers by providing a Layer 1 blockchain network designed specifically to enable a system of Layer 2 rollups. Rollups, a technology aimed at improving efficiency and scalability in blockchains, often exacerbate fragmentation and limit developers’ flexibility. However, Initia’s approach combines the best of both worlds.

By leveraging the Cosmos SDK, Initia offers a Layer 1 blockchain network that enables seamless integration with Layer 2 rollups. This integration allows rollups to achieve scale and sovereignty while providing developers with the flexibility they need to create innovative solutions. In simple terms, Initia abstracts away the technical complexity of app chains, making them more user-friendly and accessible to both end users and app developers.

The Vision for the Future

Initia’s ultimate goal is to have thousands, even tens of thousands, of applications built on crypto and web3, specifically on their platform. And here’s the kicker: they want users to enjoy these applications without even realizing they are using a crypto project. Their vision is to provide an Apple App Store-like experience where thousands of users can easily access and engage with these decentralized applications.

Securing the Future: Funding and Expansion

To turn their vision into a reality, Initia recently raised $7.5 million in seed financing. This significant injection of funds from leading investors such as Delphi Ventures and HackVC demonstrates the industry’s recognition of Initia’s potential. The startup plans to use the funding to grow its ecosystem, enhance its chain and platform, and support the development of Layer 2 applications.

Q&A: Answering Your Burning Questions

Q: How does Initia’s solution address the issue of different versions of tokens on various chains?

A: Initia ensures the fungibility of assets across app chains. This means that regardless of the number of app chains a token has been transferred to, there will only be one type of that token across potentially thousands of app-specific blockchains. This simplifies asset transfer and alleviates the confusion caused by different versions of tokens.

Q: How does Initia compare to other blockchain scaling solutions like Cosmos?

A: While Cosmos offers flexibility, each Cosmos chain requires its own validator set, which can be resource-intensive for teams. On the other hand, Initia combines blockchain infrastructure with Layer 2 rollups, providing both flexibility and scalability. This approach allows Initia to overcome the limitations faced by other solutions.

What Lies Ahead: Impact and Future Developments

Initia’s quest for interoperable multichain networks could have a far-reaching impact on the blockchain industry. Simplifying the development and usage of blockchain applications can attract more users and developers to the space, accelerating its growth and adoption. Initiatives like Initia pave the way for a future where decentralized applications become mainstream and seamlessly integrated into our daily lives.


Поскольку отрасль продолжает развиваться, мы можем ожидать больше стартапов и проектов, борющихся с вызовами построения блокчейн-приложений. Ключ заключается в поиске инновационных решений для улучшения интероперабельности, масштабируемости и пользовательского опыта. Совместными усилиями видных разработчиков и передовых технологий экосистема блокчейна готовится к замечательной революции.

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