Будущее альтернативных протеинов лучший вкус, низкие затраты и гибридные создания 🍔🌱🧪

Ингредиом - израильский стартап в области пищевых технологий и выпускник Indie Bio - представляет доступную и улучшенную лабораторную созданную протеиновую продукцию с улучшенным вкусом

Ingrediome aims to fix the taste issue of lab-grown protein | ENBLE

Are you tired of bland, expensive plant-based meats that just don’t hit the spot? Well, worry no more! Ingrediome, an Israeli food tech startup, is here to revolutionize the alternative protein industry. With their groundbreaking approach, they promise lab-grown proteins that not only taste better but are also significantly cheaper to produce. And the best part? They’re incorporating both animal and plant-based ingredients to create “hybrid meat, dairy, and eggs.” Get ready for a protein-packed future that challenges traditional notions of food! 🚀

Conquering the Taste Challenge: Texture is the Culprit 👅

One of the biggest hurdles in the alternative protein space has been replicating the taste and texture of traditional meat. Many have pointed fingers at the absence of fat as the main cause of the taste problem. However, Ingrediome’s co-founders, Aviel Even and Michael Kaholi, believe it’s actually the texture that’s the real culprit. According to them, texture is the result of how fats, proteins, and water are combined. And they have a clever solution up their sleeves!

Ingrediome aims to address the texture issue by developing recombinant animal matrix proteins made from… wait for it… carbon dioxide! 🌬️ By manipulating these proteins to produce in larger quantities, they can create alternative meat and seafood that more closely mimics the real thing. Talk about turning carbon emissions into deliciousness! This innovative approach allows them to create clean-label products that faithfully replicate how actual meat cooks. So, your taste buds won’t even know the difference! 😋🥩

From Genes to Delicious Delights: The Fascinating Production Process 🧬🔬

So, how exactly does Ingrediome create these mind-blowing proteins? It all begins with copying the genes responsible for making a range of animal proteins. They then teach microorganisms, using carbon dioxide from the air and sunlight, how to produce these proteins. To facilitate this process, Ingrediome utilizes photobioreactors located on the roof of their office. It’s like a science fiction movie happening right before our eyes! 🌱🌞

The magic lies in their use of microorganisms that feed on CO2 and sunlight. By harnessing these tiny creatures in the photobioreactors, Ingrediome can scale their lab-grown meat operation more affordably. This is a game-changer in an industry where production costs have held many alternative-protein startups back. In fact, Ingrediome claims that their production method is up to 10 times less expensive than precision fermentation, another popular method for producing cultivated meat. Who knew nature’s elements could be the secret ingredients to a sustainable and affordable protein revolution? 🌍💸

The Road Ahead: Contracts, Funding, and Regulatory Milestones ✍️💰📑

As an early-stage startup, Ingrediome still has some milestones to conquer before we all get to sink our teeth into their creations. However, they have wasted no time in making significant progress. They have already engineered four out of the five target proteins and cultivated two of them to a whopping 100 liters. They’ve also successfully created prototypes of their meat ingredients. It’s clear that Ingrediome is firing on all cylinders! 💪🔬

The company has even secured an 18-month collaboration with a European ingredient company and a joint R&D agreement with an Israeli deli company. Additionally, they have a letter of intent for a commercial partnership with another company. With such key alliances in place, Ingrediome is well on its way to making a powerful impact on the alternative protein market.

To support their ambitious plans, Ingrediome has secured $2.46 million in funding from notable investors including SOSV, Siddhi Capital, Meach Cove Capital, Beyond Impact, and Alumni Ventures and Genesis Consortium. These investments will go towards engineering the fifth protein and scaling their bacteria production to a massive 1,000 liters. The future looks promising and delicious! 🌱💼💰

The Regulatory Stamp of Approval: From GRAS to Meat Production 🏢📜🥩

Ingrediome’s next step involves obtaining the “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS) designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This designation is essential for any company producing substances for food. By seeking regulatory approval, Ingrediome aims to ensure the safety and integrity of their products. It’s all about maintaining the highest standards in the lab-grown meat revolution! 👩‍🔬🧪🛡️


Looking towards the future, Even estimates that by the end of 2025 or the beginning of 2026, they will be able to produce thousands of kilograms of their lab-grown meat per year. The possibilities are staggering! Ingrediome’s relentless pursuit of better taste, lower costs, and sustainable protein options is shaping the future of our plates and our planet.

Q&A: Что еще вы хотите знать? 🤔❓

В: Могу ли я действительно заменить эти гибридные протеины на традиционное мясо?

Абсолютно! Миссия Ingrediome заключается в создании протеинов, выращиваемых в лаборатории, которые воспроизводят вкус, текстуру и пищевую ценность традиционного мяса. Вам не придется жертвовать вкусом или сытостью. Так что, продолжайте наслаждаться без вины!

В: Это гибридные протеины более устойчивы, чем традиционное мясо?

Определенно! Путем включения растительных ингредиентов с животными протеинами и использования CO2 и солнечного света в качестве своих сырьевых материалов, Ingrediome прокладывает путь к более устойчивому будущему протеина. Это ситуация, в которой выигрывают ваши рецепторы вкуса и окружающая среда! 🌿🌎

В: Какие другие применения могут иметь протеины, выращенные в лаборатории?

Протеины, выращенные в лаборатории, имеют потенциал революционизировать не только пищевую промышленность, но и различные области, такие как фармацевтика, косметика и биоматериалы. Небо есть предел для этих инновационных протеинов! 🌌💡


  1. Клеточное мясо готово к премьере?
  2. Инвесторы слюнявятся над компаниями в области пищевых технологий, совершенствующими точную ферментацию

Не забудьте поделиться этим захватывающими новостями с друзьями! Давайте распространять весть о революционных инновациях Ingrediome и формировать будущее, где вкус, устойчивость и доступность идут рука об руку. Вместе мы можем сделать большой шаг к созданию лучшего мира! 🌍🌱💪

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