Humane и SK Telecom запускают Ai Pin в Южной Корее 📱🇰🇷

Интригующая стартап компания Humane объявляет о расширении на международный рынок через партнерство с южнокорейским оператором связи SK Telecom.


Humane partners with South Korea’s SK Telecom to launch Ai Pin in international market | ENBLE

Humane in action

Hyped AI startup Humane has exciting news: they’ve inked a deal with South Korean carrier SK Telecom to bring their groundbreaking Ai Pin device to the Korean market! 🎉

Delayed Shipping Dates and Plans for Expansion

Just a while ago, Humane announced that they were pushing back the shipping date of the Ai Pin device in the U.S. market from March to mid-April. Now, they’re expanding their reach to South Korea, signaling their growing ambition. This news comes as a breath of fresh air for the San Francisco-based company, which faced a round of layoffs and the departure of their long-standing CTO earlier this year. It’s clear that Humane is determined to make big waves in the tech industry, and this partnership with SK Telecom is a step in the right direction. 🚀

Introducing the Ai Pin – Innovation at Its Best

So, what exactly is this Ai Pin device that has everyone talking? Well, Humane has created a wearable device that is more than just your average smart gadget. Packed with sensors, generative AI smarts, and a mini projector, the Ai Pin can beam information onto any surface. It’s a whole new form factor that pushes the boundaries of what we thought was possible. Imagine having a personal assistant right on your wrist, ready to assist you with anything and everything. It’s like having Iron Man’s Jarvis by your side, but in a compact and stylish device. 💪💼

A Unique Offering – MVNO and Unlimited AI-Powered Queries

To make the deal even sweeter, Humane is offering the Ai Pin for $699 upfront, along with a recurring $24 monthly subscription. This subscription gives users a phone number and unlimited data to power as many AI-powered queries as they’d like. It’s not just a wearable device; it positions Humane as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO). And who is their launch partner for this unique offering? None other than T-Mobile in the U.S. market! 📱🌍

SK Telecom and the Path to Global AI Domination

SK Telecom’s A.Dot platform

SK Telecom, South Korea’s largest mobile provider, is no stranger to the world of AI. In fact, they’ve been making their own waves in the industry with their AI offerings, such as their ChatGPT competitor called A.Dot. Their recent partnership with AI search engine Perplexity is another testament to their commitment to becoming a “global AI company.” So, it’s no surprise that SK Telecom sees the potential in Humane’s Ai Pin device and their proprietary AI-enabled operating system, CosmOS. This strategic investment opportunity allows SK Telecom to license CosmOS, paving the way for collaboration and new subscription offerings in the Korean market. 🌐💼

Launch Dates and Future Prospects

While the exact launch date of the Ai Pin in South Korea hasn’t been announced yet, it’s safe to say that Humane is on track to make a significant impact globally. With their innovative wearable device and SK Telecom’s support, they have the potential to shape the future of AI technology. However, given the delays surrounding its U.S. launch, it’s important to temper our expectations and give them the time they need to perfect their product. Good things come to those who wait, after all. ⌛🤞

Q&A Section

Q: How does the Ai Pin compare to other wearable devices on the market?

A: The Ai Pin is in a league of its own. While other wearables focus on fitness tracking, notifications, and basic functions, the Ai Pin takes things to the next level. With its sensors, generative AI, and mini projector, it offers a whole new smart device experience. Imagine having the power to interact with a virtual assistant, make video calls, and project information onto any surface, all from a stylish wearable device. It’s truly futuristic!


Q: Будет ли Ai Pin совместим с другими мобильными сетями помимо T-Mobile?

A: На данный момент Ai Pin запускается на рынке США в партнерстве с T-Mobile. Однако возможно, что Humane в будущем расширит свои сетевые партнерства. Их выбор позиционировать себя как виртуального оператора сети указывает на то, что они открыты для сотрудничества с различными операторами.

Q: Можно ли настроить Ai Pin под индивидуальные предпочтения?

A: Да! Одна из захватывающих особенностей Ai Pin – его способность адаптироваться под предпочтения и потребности пользователя. Благодаря своей искусственной интеллектуальности, он может учиться на взаимодействиях и настраивать свои ответы соответственно. Это означает, что Ai Pin со временем станет еще более персонализированным и настроенным под уникальные требования пользователя. Это как иметь умного компаньона, который понимает вас лучше всех!


Партнерство Humane с SK Telecom и их планы запустить Ai Pin в Южной Корее отмечают захватывающую новую главу для компании. Их носимое устройство, укомплектованное передовой технологией и уникальным предложением подписки, отличает их от конкурентов. С поддержкой SK Telecom и амбициозным видением будущего, Humane на хорошем пути сделать революцию на глобальном рынке искусственного интеллекта. Мы с нетерпением ждем, что они приготовили для нас дальше! 🌟✨

References: 1. Humane Announces 10 Layoffs, CTO Transitions to Advisor Role – TechCrunch 2. Deal Dive: Time for VCs To Break Up with Fast Fashion – Enble 3. SK Telecom – Wikipedia 4. Quora Raised $75M, A16Z + Grow, Chatbot Platform – TechCrunch 5. BYJU’s Says $200 Million Rights Issue Cuts Valuation 99%, Fully Subscribed – TechCrunch 6. 2023 Showed Cybersecurity Is Not Immune to Brutal Layoffs – TechCrunch 7. Apple Expected to Make Big Vision Pro Announcement Any Minute – Enble 8. ExpressVPN Free Trial: Is The 2024 Deal Complicated? – Digital Trends 9. Rabbit R1 Offers Up-to-Date Answers Powered by Perplexity’s AI – Enble

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