Harness Wealth привлекает $17 миллионов инвестиций для расширения своей налоговой консультационной платформы

Компания Harness Wealth получила дополнительные $17 млн финансирования на раунде предварительного размещения акций, что повысило общий объем финансирования до $32 млн.


Harness Wealth aims to make advanced tax planning accessible to everyone | ENBLE

Harness Wealth, a company that initially provided financial advice to startup founders and employees, has recently ventured into the tax advisory space and secured an additional $17 million in funding. This extension brings their Series A round financing to a total of $32 million.

The Evolution of Harness Wealth

Harness Wealth has launched a new tax advisory platform that powers the practices of leading tax advisors and offers an integrated service to tackle the financial complexities faced by its consumers. Alongside this, Harness also serves as a marketplace for the discovery of advisers and services, and provides consumer financial insight tools.

Since their last funding round in June 2021, Harness claims to have experienced significant growth, boasting a 10x increase in their client base and a staggering 1588% increase in gross revenue. While exact revenue numbers and client counts were not disclosed, it’s worth mentioning that Harness now caters not only to tech founders but also pro athletes, renowned artists, Amazon board members, and even an “iconic” journalist, according to CEO and co-founder David Snider.

Prior to the Series A funding, Harness Wealth primarily focused on providing services to employees in the tech industry. However, as the demand for managing equity among this population grew, it became evident to Harness that there was a gap in the market for high-quality, digitally enabled tax services. To fulfill this need, Harness partnered with experienced tax advisors who already had an extensive list of clients. Consequently, when these advisors joined forces with Harness, a considerable number of their clients also became clients of Harness.

Harness aims to extend its services beyond the super-rich and cater to a wider clientele. As evidence of their progress, this startup has already been chosen as a tax partner by two major US financial institutions. David Snider believes that there is a demand for their services not only from tech ecosystem builders but also from small business owners, professional service executives, and investors.

The Impact of Tax Law Changes

Furthermore, recent changes in tax laws, such as those stemming from the Inflation Reduction Act, have spurred Harness to create this new platform. These changes could potentially have significant implications for high-income individuals, including a substantial increase in taxpayer audits, as predicted by Snider, who previously served as the CFO at Compass.

In simple terms, Harness’ tax advice platform facilitates collaboration between tax advisors and their clients. Approximately 75% of Harness’ clients come through advisors who join the platform, while the remaining 25% are direct consumers.

Funding Details

The recent funding round was led by Three Fish Capital, the venture arm of the Galvin Family (founders of Motorola). Existing backer Jackson Square Ventures, as well as Day One Ventures, Northwestern Mutual Ventures, and Paul Edgerley, former co-head of Bain Capital private equity, also participated in the round. Notable individual investors include Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, Alleycorp’s Kevin Ryan, Compass founder Ori Allon, Angi’s Oisin Hanrahan, and Edith Cooper, a director on the boards of PepsiCo and Amazon.

Although the company did not disclose its valuation, it is common for valuations to remain stable during extension rounds.

Future Developments in the Fintech Space

Harness Wealth’s expansion into the tax advisory space and the success of its new platform highlights the growing demand for fintech solutions that cater to the needs of high-income individuals, tech founders, and various other professionals. As equity ownership, cross-state moves, and investments in alternative asset classes become more prevalent, the market requires innovative solutions to manage the complexities of personal finances.

In the face of ever-changing tax laws and increasing financial responsibilities, platforms like Harness Wealth are poised to become even more indispensable in the future. By leveraging technology and partnering with experienced tax advisors, these platforms provide tailored services and empower individuals to make informed financial decisions.

Q&A – Addressing Additional Topics

Q: What sets Harness Wealth’s tax advisory platform apart from others in the market?

A: Harness Wealth stands out from other tax advisory platforms due to its unique approach of collaborating with experienced tax advisors. By partnering with established professionals who already have a significant clientele, Harness is able to extend its services to a wide range of consumers. Additionally, the platform acts as a marketplace for discovery, offering a variety of advisers and services to meet the specific needs of individuals seeking financial guidance.


Вопрос: Как изменения налогового законодательства повлияют на лиц с высоким доходом?

Ответ: Недавние изменения в налоговом законодательстве, особенно те, которые касаются Закона об Обесценивании, могут привести к значительному увеличению проверок налоговой декларации у лиц с высоким доходом. Эти лица должны проявить инициативу, чтобы обеспечить соответствие новым правилам и оптимизировать свои финансовые стратегии для минимизации налоговых обязательств. Новая налоговая консультационная платформа Harness Wealth с интеграцией опытных налоговых консультантов сыграет ключевую роль в сопровождении лиц через эти изменения и поможет им ориентироваться в сложностях обновленного налогового пейзажа.

Вопрос: Могут ли услуги Harness Wealth принести пользу лицам вне технологической отрасли?

Абсолютно! Хоть изначально ориентированная на сотрудников в технологической отрасли, компания Harness Wealth признала необходимость в качественных налоговых услугах в различных профессиях. Сюда входят владельцы малого бизнеса, исполнительные работники в сфере профессиональных услуг и инвесторы, среди прочих. Harness Wealth нацелена на предоставление своей всесторонней налоговой консультационной платформы более широкому кругу клиентов, делая ее доступной для лиц из различных сфер, нуждающихся в опытном финансовом сопровождении.


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