Google улучшает поиск, удаляя спам-сайты.

Google, как и все остальные, устал от людей, манипулирующих результатами поиска.


🚀 Google’s Battle Against Spam-Filled Websites: Elevating Original Content in Search Results


Google, the tech giant behind the world’s most popular search engine, has announced its plans to combat spam-filled websites that are designed to manipulate search algorithms and occupy top positions in search results. The company aims to prioritize original and valuable content over web pages that solely cater to search engines rather than providing relevant information for users. Alongside adjusting its search algorithm, Google is also revising its spam policies to prevent repurposed websites from cluttering search results. These websites, known as “zombie sites,” are former defunct webpages that have been resurrected with generic and AI-generated content.

The Battle Against Low-Quality and Unoriginal Content

In a recent blog post, Google revealed that these new measures will reduce the presence of low-quality and unoriginal content in search results by an impressive 40%. The search engine giant specifically targets bad actors who use automated systems, such as AI generators, to produce content that superficially answers specific search queries without providing any substantive information. This practice often frustrates users who are seeking meaningful results.

Google also recognizes the issue of reputable websites hosting third-party low-quality content. Exploiting the good reputation of these websites, malicious actors attempt to boost the rankings of this content in search results. Consequently, unsuspecting readers may be lured into reading subpar articles, assuming that they originate from trusted sources. To counteract this problem, Google issued a warning to websites engaged in such practices and announced plans to enforce ranking penalties for reputable sites that continue this behavior starting on May 5.

The War on Tricksters and Ad-Filled Sites

Google has been engaged in a long-standing battle against individuals attempting to manipulate its system and profit from low-quality websites inundated with ads. These sites typically employ Search Engine Optimization (SEO) tactics to artificially boost the value of their webpages, aiming for higher rankings on Google search results. Interestingly, the objective of these actors is not necessarily to provide accurate answers to user queries but rather to generate clicks for monetization purposes.

This detrimental trend has resulted in a decline in the quality of search results, leading to public dissatisfaction. Various users have taken to forums, such as Reddit, to express their discontent with the breakdown of Google search results, with some considering it ineffective. A recent study confirmed these concerns, revealing that search results now frequently display lower-quality text due to aggressive SEO tactics, monetization strategies, and affiliate marketing. Researchers issue a warning that the proliferation of AI-generated spam will further deteriorate search results. To combat spam and improve the search experience, some users have resorted to adding the word “reddit” to their queries, hoping to retrieve more relevant and human-written results.

The Need for Improvement and the Rise of AI Engines

As Google largely generates its revenue from advertisements placed alongside search results, improving the search process becomes essential, particularly as users increasingly turn to AI engines like ChatGPT for direct answers to their queries, bypassing the need to scroll through a list of blue links. The company must adapt and address these challenges to ensure its continued dominance in the search engine landscape.


Q: What types of websites is Google targeting with its new search algorithm and spam policies?

Google is targeting spam-filled websites that exploit search algorithms to obtain top positions in search results. These webpages are designed primarily for search engines, focusing on gaming the system rather than providing valuable content for users.

Q: What are “zombie sites”?

Zombie sites are websites that were previously defunct but have been revived with generic and AI-generated content. These sites attempt to deceive search engines and users by appearing as active and credible sources, despite lacking valuable information.

Q: Why is Google penalizing reputable websites that host low-quality content from third parties?

By penalizing reputable websites that host low-quality content, Google aims to prevent the misuse of established websites’ credibility to boost the rankings of subpar content. This practice deceives users into believing that the information originates from trusted sources when, in fact, it does not.


Q: Как искусственные интеллектуальные двигатели, такие как ChatGPT, изменяют поисковый ландшафт?

ИИ-двигатели, такие как ChatGPT, предоставляют пользователям прямые ответы на их запросы, обходя необходимость перехода по результатам поиска. Поскольку пользователи все больше полагаются на эти ИИ-двигатели, Google должен адаптировать свой поисковый процесс, чтобы оставаться актуальным и конкурентоспособным.

Чтобы обеспечить свое положение в качестве ведущего поискового двигателя, Google должен продолжать свои усилия по борьбе со спамом и улучшению общего опыта поиска. Приоритет отдается ценному и оригинальному контенту, фильтрация низкокачественных веб-сайтов и решение проблем, созданных спамом, генерируемым с помощью ИИ. Google стремится предоставить более надежные и актуальные результаты поиска. Хотя борьба со спамом может продолжаться, пользователи могут ожидать лучшей среды поиска, где преобладает контент высокого качества, и информация легко доступна.

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