Борьба Google с играми SEO Улучшение качества поиска

Google нацеливается на индустрию SEO, играя в ранжирование поисковых результатов и обесценивая результаты поиска, влияя на веб-поиски потребителей


Google targets SEO-optimized spam pages with new search update | ENBLE

🔎🔥 Breaking News: Google takes on the SEO industry, aiming to restore the value of search results! 💪✨

If you’ve ever searched for product recommendations, reviews, deals, or discounts, you know the frustration of finding spammy websites that offer little to no value. Thankfully, Google is here to save the day with its latest search quality update!

The SEO Battleground

💔 The SEO industry has turned search rankings into a game, where the real winners are often low-quality websites that fail to deliver on their promises. 😩 But Google has had enough and is ready to take action.

On Tuesday, Google announced a search quality update that specifically targets websites with poor user experiences and those designed solely to match specific search queries. With this update, low-quality and unoriginal content will be downranked, meaning you’ll get more reliable and useful search results.

A Battle Against Artificial Intelligence (AI) Abuse

🤖 While Google doesn’t mention it directly in their blog post, their detailed post on Search Central dives into the impact of AI on the web. They explain how the widespread use of automation in content creation often blurs the line between human and AI-generated content.

Google’s primary focus is on the abusive behavior of content created at scale to boost search rankings. They are determined to reduce the presence of pages that offer little original value, whether it’s AI-generated or human-created content.

So, say bye-bye to those webpages that claim to answer your burning questions but leave you feeling unsatisfied. Google’s got your back!

Tackling Site Reputation Abuse

🙄 Ever stumbled upon a website with valuable content, only to find low-quality content from third parties trying to deceive you? Google has seen it all and is ready to put an end to this malpractice.

Websites that host unrelated content to boost their ranking benefits will face the consequences of Google’s update. Educational websites with payday loan reviews and product review sites that no longer do real hands-on testing should be worried.

The Impact on Publishers and Independent Sites

📉✍️ Publishers and independent sites have been hit hard as SEO spam floods the search results. The scammers seemed to have the upper hand. Google’s update brings hope for a more balanced playing field.

Publishers are experiencing diminishing clicks to their websites, while AI-powered news readers, like Arc’s web browser and news readers, are gaining momentum. These new technologies summarize information, potentially leaving publishers in the dust. 🌪️

The Countdown Begins

📆⏳ Google is giving website owners a fair chance to make the necessary changes. They have published their policies two months ahead of the enforcement date, which is May 5th. So, if you own a website, it’s time to buckle up and make sure you’re ready for the update!


Q&A Content

Q: Will this update affect all websites equally?

A: The update will primarily impact websites with low-quality or unoriginal content, as well as those designed to game the search rankings. Websites that provide valuable, original content should not experience any negative consequences.

Q: How can I improve the ranking of my website after this update?

A: To improve your website’s ranking, focus on offering high-quality, original content that provides value to the user. Additionally, ensure that your website offers a great user experience, is optimized for mobile devices, and follows SEO best practices.

Q: What can publishers and independent sites do to compete with AI-powered news readers?

A: While AI-powered news readers are gaining popularity, publishers and independent sites can set themselves apart by focusing on unique and expert-led content. By delivering valuable insights, in-depth analysis, and a personal touch, they can create a loyal readership base.

Future Developments

The battle against SEO games and AI abuse is just the beginning. As technology continues to evolve, Google will undoubtedly face new challenges. It will be interesting to see how they adapt and refine their algorithms to keep search results reliable and valuable. 💪

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  1. Официальное объявление Google: Link
  2. Подробный пост Google о Search Central: Link
  3. Функция «Прищепни, чтобы резюмировать» с искусственным интеллектом от Arc: Link
  4. Бывшие инженеры Twitter создают Particle, AI-приводимое приложение для чтения новостей: Link
  5. Влияние искусственного интеллекта на генеративное контент: Link
  6. Анализ Google Search Quality от 404 Media: Link
  7. Опыт HouseFresh с SEO спамом: Link


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