Китайский стартап по искусственному интеллекту Moonshot AI привлек более $1 млрд на серии B финансирования.

Конкуренция на создание следующей крупной языковой модели в разгаре, так как китайский претендент, как сообщается, заключил крупный раунд финансирования для ускорения своего развития.


China’s Moonshot AI company recently reached a valuation of $2.5 billion and secured $1 billion in funding for its long-context focused LLM project called ENBLE.

🚀 China has entered the race to build the next big large language model (LLM), with Moonshot AI securing over $1 billion in a Series B funding round. This injection of capital values the startup at an impressive $2.5 billion – the largest single funding round for Chinese LLM developers to date. Moonshot AI is focused on developing LLMs that can handle long inputs of text and data, specializing in processing long-form context and response, an area that has proven challenging for others in the field.

Moonshot AI: The Rise of a Language Model Superpower

🌕 Moonshot AI, also known as YueZhiAnMian in China, was founded less than a year ago by AI researcher and academic Yang Zhilin, along with Zhou Xinyu and Wu Yuxin. The startup made waves in March last year when it launched a 100 billion-parameter LLM, paying homage to Pink Floyd’s album, “The Dark Side of the Moon,” which served as inspiration for its name.

💬 In October, Moonshot AI introduced its first chatbot in China called Kimi. This chatbot claims to support conversations comprising 200,000 Chinese characters, eight times the length of OpenAI’s GPT-4-32K. Moonshot AI’s rapid progress in developing advanced LLM capabilities has captured the attention of investors, leading to this latest funding round.

Major Investors and China’s AI Landscape

🤝 E-commerce giant Alibaba and HongShan (formerly known as Sequoia China) are co-leading Moonshot AI’s Series B funding round. Notably, other big-name investors include the Chinese “super app” Meituan and Xiaohongshu, often referred to as China’s Instagram. These strategic partnerships further solidify Moonshot AI’s position as a prominent player in China’s AI ecosystem.

🚀 Moonshot AI’s successful funding round demonstrates the growing interest of Chinese tech giants in LLM startups, paralleling the trend seen in the Western market. While OpenAI currently dominates the LLM landscape globally, there is no clear leader in China, resulting in significant investment activity by big tech companies to secure their AI position for the future.

  • Alibaba has invested in Baichuan, Zhipu AI, and 01.AI, among others.
  • Tencent, Alibaba’s main rival, has backed Baichuan, Zhipu, MiniMax, and Light Years Beyond.

Yang Zhilin: The Man Behind the Vision

🧠 Yang Zhilin, the mastermind behind Moonshot AI, boasts an impressive track record in the field of AI. He holds a computer science PhD from Carnegie Mellon University, where he worked with Ruslan Salakhutdinov, the former head of AI research at Apple. Yang has also made significant contributions to the development of LLM architecture, particularly his work on Transformer-XL, which enables natural language understanding beyond fixed-length contexts.

💼 On top of Moonshot AI, Yang is involved in another AI startup called Recurrent.AI, focusing on technologies that assist salespeople in their daily tasks. The startup has raised approximately $60 million. With Yang’s expertise and accomplishments, Moonshot AI has a solid foundation for addressing text-based use cases that existing LLMs and generative AI applications have not fully explored.

Moonshot AI’s Potential and the Chinese AI Landscape

🔮 Moonshot AI’s emphasis on longer input and output, as well as its ability to produce more accurate results, positions the company to tap into text-based applications that require deep analysis, such as legal documents, fiction writing, and financial analysis. The market potential for such capabilities is vast, and Moonshot AI is well-positioned to carve out a unique niche.

💵 The funding landscape for AI ventures in China has faced some challenges recently, with a decline in investments and the total amount raised. However, Moonshot AI’s successful funding round illustrates that opportunities with promising startups can attract significant investments, even in a comparatively tepid funding environment.

⏳ As the race to build powerful LLMs intensifies, Moonshot AI’s recent funding and rapid development highlight the immense potential of Chinese AI startups. With the backing of major investors and Yang Zhilin’s expertise, Moonshot AI is primed to become a frontrunner in the global AI landscape.


📚 References: – Alphabet cutting dozens of jobs at X moonshot labApple pulls popular movie piracy app Kimi from the App StoreFujitsu facing the heat of UK Post Office scandal as it continues to rake in billions from government dealsBig, costly seed deals are exceptions to 2023’s lackluster venture capital marketNiremia Collective closes inaugural fund at $225M focused on wellbeing technology


Q: What are some use cases for Moonshot AI’s LLMs that can handle long inputs? – A: Moonshot AI’s technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries that rely on extensive text processing. Some potential use cases include analyzing legal documents, generating fiction writing, and conducting in-depth financial analysis.

Q: How does Moonshot AI’s chatbot, Kimi, compare to other chatbots in the market? – A: Kimi claims to support conversations comprising 200,000 Chinese characters, which is eight times longer than what OpenAI’s GPT-4-32K can achieve. This extended capability allows Kimi to tackle more complex and nuanced conversations.

Q: Who are the major investors in Moonshot AI’s Series B funding round? – A: The co-leading investors in Moonshot AI’s funding round are Alibaba, the renowned e-commerce giant, and HongShan (previously known as Sequoia China). Other notable investors include Meituan, a Chinese “super app,” and Xiaohongshu, often referred to as China’s Instagram.

Q: How does Moonshot AI compare to other Chinese LLM startups? – A: While Moonshot AI has secured significant funding and gained prominence in China’s AI landscape, it is important to note that there is no clear leader in the Chinese LLM market. Consequently, big tech companies in China, such as Alibaba and Tencent, are investing in multiple promising LLM contenders, spreading their bets to ensure future success.

At the forefront of AI innovation, Moonshot AI is reshaping the role of language models and capturing the attention of investors. With its groundbreaking technology, Moonshot AI is poised to transform various industries, leading the charge in the Chinese AI landscape. Exciting times lie ahead for Moonshot AI and its quest to build the next generation of large language models! 🚀

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[Image Credit: Moonshot AI]