Bumble переосмысливает BFF для реальных связей

Bumble, создатель популярного приложения для знакомств, пересматривает свои планы на будущее в связи с разочаровывающей прибылью и большим количеством сокращений, которые затронут компанию.


Bumble aims to relaunch its friendship-focused BFF feature following a decline in dating app usage | ENBLE

💔📉 Bumble, the popular dating app, recently announced weak earnings and a massive round of layoffs, leaving many wondering about the company’s future. But fear not, because Bumble’s new CEO, Lidiane Jones, is shaking things up and recalibrating the company’s vision. In addition to revamping its app for Gen Z users, Bumble is focusing on building a social network for its Bumble BFF friend-finding business. 🚀🤝

The Problem with BFF

Currently, the BFF feature on Bumble uses the same swipe-to-like mechanism that is used for dating. Users are presented with profiles that they can either like to match or pass. But according to Jones, this approach hasn’t been as successful for the BFF side of the app. Even though there is a growing demand for apps that help people find friendships and platonic connections, the one-to-one match paradigm used by Bumble BFF is limiting its potential reach. 🤷‍♀️👬

A New Strategy for BFF

Jones has a bold plan to reshape Bumble BFF into a true friend-finding experience. Instead of relying solely on one-to-one matches, the new BFF will focus on helping users connect with one another in new ways, more reminiscent of a social networking app. The idea is to shift from the dating paradigm to building and finding communities, making it easier for users to form real-life connections with people who share similar interests. 💚🌱

Hive: A Glimpse into the Future

While the specifics of the revamped BFF are still under wraps, previous tests and internal product developments provide some insight. Back in August 2022, Bumble was experimenting with a feature called “Hive.” This feature allowed users to connect via communities and included support for group chats, polls, and even video calls. Hive was alpha-tested in select markets, where users created thousands of communities known as “Hives.” Although Hive never became widely available, it could serve as the foundation for the upcoming changes to BFF. 🐝🏠

Making Friends in the Real World

Bumble’s job cuts raise questions about the potential profitability of BFF. Unlike the dating segment, where users are willing to pay for perks and subscriptions, friendship seekers have plenty of free options available, such as Facebook Groups, Meetup, and local community offerings. Monetizing BFF may prove to be a bigger challenge. However, Jones remains optimistic, stating that Bumble plans to bring along its millions of existing customers who are eager to be part of the platform. 🤑🤝

The Road Ahead

Bumble’s reimagined vision for BFF is an exciting move that aligns with the growing demand for meaningful friendships and connections in the digital age. By embracing a community-focused approach, Bumble is aiming to provide a safe and equitable space for people to forge new friendships. The company’s use of AI in the dating segment, along with the revamp of BFF, reflects its commitment to innovation and staying competitive in a rapidly evolving market. Only time will tell if Bumble can successfully transform BFF into the go-to platform for making real-life connections. 🌐🙌

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: Why did Bumble decide to revamp Bumble BFF? A: Bumble realized that the swipe-to-like mechanism used in the dating side of the app wasn’t as effective for making friendships. They recognized the need for a new approach that focuses on building communities and facilitating real-life connections.

Q: What other options are available for making friends in the digital world? A: Apart from Bumble BFF, you can explore Facebook Groups, Meetup, and local community offerings. These platforms provide opportunities to meet people with similar interests and forge new friendships.

Q: Will Bumble BFF become a paid service like the dating segment? A: While monetizing BFF might be more challenging than the dating segment, Bumble plans to bring its existing user base along and aims to provide valuable features and experiences that could potentially drive revenue.


Вопрос: Как Bumble будет инновировать в сегменте приложений знакомств? Ответ: Bumble, как и его конкурент Match, планирует использовать искусственный интеллект в сегменте приложений знакомств для улучшения пользовательских впечатлений. Используя искусственный интеллект, Bumble стремится предоставить пользователям лучшие пары и более значимые связи.

Дальнейшее чтение

📚 Ознакомьтесь с этими статьями для получения более подробной информации о Bumble, его последних разработках и будущем дружеских приложений:

  1. Bumble увольняет ~350 сотрудников, поскольку приложения для знакомств сталкиваются с порядком TechCrunch
  2. Bumble экспериментирует с групповыми чатами, опросами и видеозвонками для своей новой функции социальной сети ‘Hive’ TechCrunch
  3. После нескольких недель сокращений Snap’s-акции падают на 30% после отчетности за 4 квартал TechCrunch
  4. Новый генеральный директор Лидиана Джонс берет рулевое управление в Bumble
  5. Match Group продвигает Фей Айосоталуно на пост генерального директора Tinder TechCrunch

📽️ И вот изображение будущего видения Bumble: Bumble's Future Vision

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