Apple реагирует на жалобы Spotify история доступа и комиссий

Среди слухов о надвигающемся штрафе в размере 500 миллионов евро Apple сталкивается с обвинениями от Евросоюза в нарушении законов о доступе к музыкальным стриминговым сервисам.


Apple accuses Spotify of wanting unlimited access to App Store tools without payment.


Amid the rumors and speculations surrounding Apple and Spotify’s ongoing feud, the tech giant has finally let out a roar in response to Spotify’s complaints about App Store rules and access to Apple’s tools and services. While the European Commission is preparing to slap Apple with a hefty 500 million euro fine for alleged violations of EU law, Apple is putting up its defenses, claiming that Spotify simply wants unlimited access without paying a dime.

🕵️‍♂️Investigation and Accusations

The European Union’s investigation into Apple’s App Store policies was triggered by none other than Spotify, which has been at loggerheads with the tech giant for quite some time now. Spotify has constantly griped about App Store rules that hinder the company from offering subscriptions outside of Apple’s in-app purchase system.

Since 2015, Spotify has been cozying up with the European Commission, filing multiple complaints and engaging in countless meetings to convince the EU that Apple’s rules are detrimental to the streaming music industry. The latest Statement of Objections issued by the European Commission narrowed the investigation’s focus to anti-circumvention rules that prevent apps from informing users about lower subscription prices outside of the App Store.

🤩Apple’s Perspective

Apple, on the other hand, refutes Spotify’s claims and argues that the streaming music market has been thriving. It contends that Spotify simply desires a better deal, using the European Commission as a weapon to achieve its own selfish aims. According to Apple’s statement, Spotify wants to enjoy all the benefits of Apple’s technology, App Store reach, and monetization opportunities without having to give any compensation to Apple.

Apple points out that Spotify’s success can be largely attributed to the App Store. Its apps function seamlessly across Apple devices, thanks to Apple’s engineering efforts. Spotify has extensively utilized Apple’s APIs and frameworks, with thousands of integrations for the ultimate user experience.

👑Spotify’s Dominance

Notably, Spotify is the dominant streaming music provider in Europe and other parts of the world. It has achieved remarkable success, and Apple claims that it has provided significant support along the way. Nevertheless, Apple finds Spotify’s complaints about competition and its quest for better deals to be dubious at best.

🔥The Antitrust Battle Continues

As the battle between Apple and Spotify rages on, it is worth mentioning that if the EU decides to impose a fine on Apple, the tech giant will most likely appeal the decision. This antitrust drama is far from reaching its climax.


Q: How has Spotify accused Apple of favoring its own music service? A: Spotify has accused Apple of creating an uneven playing field. According to Spotify, Apple places roadblocks and imposes unfair restrictions, giving Spotify two unfavorable choices: delivering a poor user experience or accepting a 30% cost disadvantage against its biggest competitor. Spotify claims that Apple controls its access to Apple customers.

Q: What impact could Apple’s anti-circumvention rules have on users of music streaming services? A: The European Commission believes that these rules are detrimental to users of music streaming services on Apple’s mobile devices. They assert that the rules could lead to confusion among consumers and result in higher prices. However, Apple views this perspective as misguided and influenced by Spotify’s relentless complaints.

Q: Will Apple’s fine put an end to the battle between Apple and Spotify? A: Not likely. If the European Commission does fine Apple, the tech giant will almost certainly appeal the decision. The battle between Apple and Spotify seems destined to continue.

🔍 Further Reading: – EU May Fine Apple 500m Amid Big Tech SmackdownEverything You Need to Know About Amazon MusicApple Starts Letting Developers Add Alternative App Marketplaces

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