Обновление iOS 17.4 в Европу придут сторонние магазины приложений

Компания Apple выпускает белую книгу, описывающую систему проверки приложений для внешних ЕС-магазинов приложений


Apple reveals security strategy for non-Apple app stores on the iPhone.

📢 Hey there, tech enthusiasts! 🖥️ Are you ready for some exciting news? Apple is about to shake things up with its latest iOS 17.4 iPhone update. And no, it’s not just another bug fix or minor improvement. Brace yourselves, because Apple is allowing users in Europe to download third-party app stores and install apps from sources other than the official App Store! 🎉

The Security Risks

While this change opens up a world of possibilities for iPhone owners, it does come with some heavy security risks. Apple is well aware of this and has outlined its plan to vet these apps through a new procedure called Notarization for iOS in a white paper [^1^]. The goal? To ensure that these third-party apps are free of known malware and other security threats, function as advertised, and don’t expose users to egregious fraud.

💡 В: Why is Apple implementing Notarization for iOS?

A: Apple’s decision to allow third-party app stores in Europe is in compliance with the European Union’s Digital Markets Act [^3^]. This legislation aims to enforce fair and open competition in the tech sector. Additionally, Apple has faced pressure to open iOS to alternate app stores following its legal battle with Epic Games [^3^]. By implementing Notarization for iOS, Apple aims to strike a balance between expanding app options and maintaining user safety.

Notarization for iOS: A Closer Look

So, how exactly does Notarization for iOS work? 🤔 This program uses a combination of automated and human reviews to ensure the integrity of third-party apps. It checks for malware, verifies that the app functions as advertised, and prevents bad actors from slipping in malicious code through app updates. Think of it as an extension of the Notarization process that Apple currently uses for its Mac software [^1^].

💡 В: How will users benefit from Notarization for iOS?

A: While Notarization won’t provide the same extensive information as an App Store listing, it does offer users more context before they install an app. They’ll be able to access descriptions and screenshots, allowing them to make informed decisions. If an app has been flagged for malware, Apple will issue a strong warning before users launch it [^1^].

Developer Program and App Store Policies

If you’re developing third-party apps for iPhones, there are a few important requirements to keep in mind. You’ll still need to sign up for the Apple Developer Program, which includes providing personal information and abiding by local laws. Apple has stringent anti-fraud and spam policies in place, and any violations can result in termination of the developer program [^1^].

💡 В: What precautions does Apple take to ensure app quality and user safety?

A: Apple goes to great lengths to maintain the integrity of its App Store. In 2022 alone, the company terminated over 400,000 App Store developer accounts for fraud and prevented the creation of thousands of other fraudulent accounts [^1^]. This dedication to maintaining a trusted app ecosystem helps protect users from malicious apps.

The Future of App Access

While Apple is embracing third-party app stores in Europe, it’s worth noting that this move is primarily a response to regulatory requirements. Apple strongly encourages other storefronts to maintain the same level of effort in keeping their app marketplaces secure and user-friendly [^1^]. Additionally, it’s important to remember that outside the App Store, Apple’s financial protections, such as subscription cancellation and parental controls, won’t apply. So users need to exercise caution when using alternative app marketplaces [^1^].

💡 В: Will users outside of Europe also have access to non-App Store apps?

A: At this point, it’s unclear when or if Apple will introduce non-App Store apps to other regions. However, the implementation of Notarization for iOS in Europe provides a blueprint that Apple could potentially apply elsewhere in the future [^1^].


✨ В заключение, решение Apple разрешить сторонние магазины приложений в Европе стало игровым изменением для экосистемы iOS. Оно открывает новые возможности для пользователей, подчеркивая важность надежных процессов проверки приложений для обеспечения безопасности пользователей. Пока мы с нетерпением ждем выпуска обновления iOS 17.4, давайте примем эти изменения и посмотрим, как развивается технологический ландшафт. 🌐💪

  • Белая книга Apple о нотаризации для iOS: Link
  • Обзор Закона Европейского союза о цифровых рынках (DMA): Link
  • Юридическое противостояние Epic Games против Apple: Link

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