Результат Apple грозит огромный штраф в €500 миллионов за нарушение законодательства ЕС 😱

Apple будет оштрафована на 500 миллионов евро за возможное нарушение законов ЕС в отношении сервисов потокового воспроизведения музыки

Apple Faces $500M+ Fine in EU Music Streaming Investigation

Introduction 📱💥

Apple, the tech giant known for its sleek devices and cutting-edge technology, is now making headlines for all the wrong reasons. According to a report from the Financial Times, the European Commission is set to impose a massive €500 million ($538 million) fine on Apple for allegedly breaking European Union (EU) law in relation to access to music streaming services 🎶🎵🔊.

The Controversy Surrounding Apple’s Policy 🍏🚫

At the heart of the European Commission’s investigation is Apple’s policy of preventing streaming music apps, such as Spotify, from informing iPhone and iPad users within the app that lower subscription prices are available when signing up outside of the App Store. This policy has been a bone of contention for music streaming services, as it gives Apple Music an unfair advantage by restricting competition within the market 📉🔐.

The Origins of the Investigation and Apple’s Response 🧐🤨

This investigation dates back to 2019 when Spotify, one of Apple’s biggest rivals in the music streaming industry, filed an antitrust complaint against the tech giant. The EU regulators took the complaint seriously and launched a formal investigation into Apple’s alleged anti-competitive practices in 2021. However, it’s worth noting that the scope of the investigation was later narrowed, and a charge of pushing developers to use its own in-app payment system was dropped.

A Blow to Apple’s App Store Policy 💔

The report from the Financial Times suggests that the European Commission will firmly declare Apple’s actions as illegal and contrary to the rules that enforce competition in the single market. As a result, Apple’s practice of blocking music services from offering cheaper alternatives outside of its App Store will be banned. This move aims to level the playing field for all music streaming apps and prevent Apple from gaining an unfair advantage.

“Anti-Steering” and “Unfair Trading Conditions” 🚦🙅‍♂️

The European Commission’s preliminary view is that Apple’s rules regarding music streaming apps equate to “anti-steering” and “unfair trading conditions,” which go against EU antitrust law. The Commission argues that these rules negatively impact users of music streaming services on Apple’s devices, potentially leading them to pay more. Additionally, it limits effective consumer choice, thereby harming the interests of music streaming app developers.

Apple’s App Store Review Guidelines and Developer Notifications 📜📢

While Apple’s App Store Review Guidelines do allow developers to notify users of alternative buying options through external communications like email, there are still restrictions in place. “Reader” apps, including Spotify, have the ability to incorporate a link in their app directing users to their website for account management. However, Spotify is not allowed to directly promote its reduced subscription rates offered on its website from within its iPhone app.

Apple’s Run-In with EU Antitrust Laws 🛡️🔓

If this fine is imposed, it will be the first time that Apple has been penalized for antitrust infringements by the EU. However, it’s not the first time Apple has faced scrutiny over its business practices. In 2020, Apple was hit with a hefty €1.1 billion ($1.19 billion) fine in France for alleged anti-competitive behavior. The penalty was eventually reduced to €372 million after Apple appealed.

The Future of Apple’s App Store Practices ⏩📱

This ruling by the European Commission could have significant implications for Apple and its App Store policies. It may prompt the tech giant to review and revise its approach to ensure compliance with EU law and address concerns raised by competitors, regulators, and users alike. The outcome of this case will undoubtedly shape the future landscape of the mobile app market and pave the way for fairer competition.

Q&A 🤔

Q: How will this ruling affect other app stores, such as Google Play?

A: While this specific ruling is targeted at Apple’s App Store practices, it could still set a precedent for other app stores, including Google Play. Regulators may scrutinize other platforms and their policies more closely, especially if similar complaints of anti-competitive behavior arise.


Q: Является ли Apple единственным крупным технологическим гигантом, сталкивающимся с юридическими вызовами, связанными с вопросами антимонопольного законодательства?

A: Нет, Apple не одинок в столкновении с юридическими вызовами, связанными с вопросами антимонопольного законодательства. Другие технологические гиганты, такие как Google, Facebook и Amazon, также подвергались внимательному изучению своих деловых практик. Антимонопольные законы предназначены для обеспечения справедливой конкуренции и защиты потребителей от монополистического поведения.

References 🔍

  1. Financial Times: Apple Faces €500 Million Fine in EU Law Breach
  2. Enble: Spotify Files Antitrust Complaint Against Apple
  3. Enble: European Commission Narrowed Scope of Investigation Against Apple
  4. Enble: Apple’s App Store Guidelines on Alternative App Marketplaces
  5. Enble: Apple Fined €1.1 Billion in France for Anti-Competitive Behavior

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