Штраф ЕС Apple €1.84 млрд за нарушение антимонопольных правил в музыкальных потоковых сервисах.

Европейский союз наложил штраф в размере 1,84 миллиарда евро на компанию Apple за нарушение антимонопольных регуляций на рынке мобильных платформ для потокового музыкального сервиса в iOS.


Apple fined $1.84 billion by the EU for anti-competitive behavior on iOS music streaming market.

The European Union (EU) has hit Apple with a hefty fine of €1.84 billion for violating antitrust rules in the music streaming market on its iOS platform. At the core of the penalty are Apple’s anti-steering provisions, which restrict the ability of music streaming apps to inform users about cheaper alternative offers outside of the App Store.

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The EU argued that Apple’s anti-steering provisions prevented European consumers from enjoying a free choice, resulting in harm to their pockets. By withholding critical information, such as cheaper prices and alternative features, Apple created unfair trading conditions that disadvantaged consumers, forcing them to pay more without knowing they had cheaper options elsewhere. Some consumers even struggled to find and subscribe to their preferred music streaming services because of Apple’s restrictions.

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The fine comes after Spotify lodged a complaint with the EU in March 2019, accusing Apple of limiting choice and stifling innovation by being both a player and referee on its App Store. Spotify argued that Apple’s rules deliberately disadvantaged other app developers, undermining the user experience. This clash between Spotify and Apple Music, Apple’s own music streaming service, fueled the investigation into the App Store’s antitrust practices.

👉 Unfair Trading Conditions: Implications for Dominant Companies

The EU’s competition chief, Margrethe Vestager, highlighted that Apple’s rules were neither necessary nor proportionate for operating the App Store on its mobile devices. The ruling deemed the conditions imposed by Apple as unfair trading conditions, as they were unilaterally imposed by a dominant company. This case sets an important precedent for regulating dominant tech companies and ensuring a level playing field for competition.

👉 Looking Ahead: Impact and Future Developments

As this story continues to unfold, it serves as a stark reminder that even tech giants like Apple are not exempt from antitrust regulations. The €1.84 billion fine is a strong signal that the EU is determined to enforce fair and open competition in the digital market. It will be interesting to see how this ruling impacts Apple’s approach to its App Store practices and whether it prompts other countries to scrutinize similar practices.


Q: How will the fine affect Apple’s financials? A: While the fine is substantial, Apple, with its robust financial position, should be able to absorb it without major repercussions. However, the EU’s decision may prompt Apple to revisit its policies and potentially make changes to avoid further penalties in the future.

Q: Will this ruling have a wider impact on other app stores? A: This ruling is specific to Apple’s App Store practices but sends a broader message to other app store operators. It highlights the importance of ensuring fair competition and preventing dominance that can harm consumers and restrict innovation. Other app stores may be compelled to review their own practices in light of this ruling.

Q: How might this ruling affect Apple’s relationship with other developers on the App Store? A: The ruling puts pressure on Apple to reevaluate its relationship with developers and address concerns about preferential treatment and anti-competitive practices. Apple may face increased scrutiny and demands from developers for fairer conditions and a more level playing field.

Q: Could this case lead to further investigations into Apple’s other practices? A: It is possible. The EU’s antitrust investigations are often comprehensive, and this case could prompt further inquiries into other aspects of Apple’s business practices. This ruling emphasizes the need for transparency and fairness in the digital marketplace, which may encourage regulators to investigate other potential areas of concern.

Q: How can consumers protect themselves from restrictive practices on app stores? A: Consumers can stay informed about alternative offers and pricing by researching outside of the app store environment. It’s essential to explore different sources before making a purchase or subscribing to a service. Additionally, raising awareness about antitrust issues and supporting fair competition can encourage companies to adopt more consumer-friendly practices.



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