Apple грозит потенциальный штраф от ЕС в размере $539 миллионов

Фирме Apple может быть вынесен штраф в размере около 539 миллионов долларов (500 млн евро) со стороны Европейского Союза в результате расследования нарушений антимонопольного законодательства.


Apple hit with $539 million fine from EU over antitrust investigation

📢 Breaking News: Apple, the renowned tech giant, may soon be hit with a staggering fine of approximately $539 million (€500m) from the European Union. The European Commission is expected to announce its findings regarding an antitrust complaint filed by Spotify in 2019. The complaint accused Apple of anti-competitive practices in relation to its App Store functions, which allegedly obstructed third-party music streaming services on Apple devices.

The Antitrust Allegations

At the heart of the issue are the rules that were in place at the time on the App Store. These rules made it challenging for developers to guide users towards alternative subscription models outside the app, thereby potentially circumventing Apple’s 30% fee. Sources close to the story have shared that a substantial fine is expected, as the European Commission believes that Apple has violated EU antitrust laws by creating “unfair trading conditions” for its competitors through the App Store’s “anti-steering obligations.” 😮

Apple’s Ongoing Troubles in the EU

This is not the first time Apple has faced trouble in the European Union. Last year, the company was formally charged under another anti-competitive investigation, which ultimately resulted in a reduced probe scale after the EU dropped the charge of pressuring developers to use its in-app payment system.

If Apple is indeed hit with a ban on its unfair trading conditions, it would mark one of the most severe penalties imposed on a major tech company. In 2020, French authorities had already fined Apple a landmark €1.1 billion, but this amount was later reduced to €372 million after an appeal. Although Apple has the right to appeal any forthcoming fine in the EU courts, it will be interesting to see how the company responds, especially in light of the upcoming implementation of the Digital Markets Act rules in March. 📚

The Future of App Distribution

The Digital Markets Act will play a significant role in reshaping the app distribution landscape. With the new legislation, third-party developers will be able to distribute their apps outside of the iOS store and directly bill customers for their services. This opens up new possibilities for competition and could potentially disrupt Apple’s stronghold on app distribution.

While a potential fine of $539 million is certainly a significant blow, it is worth noting that Apple recently reported a record-breaking $365 billion in revenue for 2021. So, while this fine may sting, it is unlikely to severely impact Apple’s financial position.

🌟 Stay tuned: We will continue to monitor this story closely and provide updates on any further developments. Make sure to follow us on social media for the latest tech news! 😃

🔍 References:

  1. Full story –
  2. Spotify Premium – Digital Trends
  3. App Store Connect –
  4. Digital Markets Act –
  5. Financial Times –


Q: What is the basis for the European Union’s antitrust complaint against Apple? A: The European Union’s antitrust complaint against Apple stems from allegations of anti-competitive behavior related to the App Store’s functions. Specifically, the complaint revolves around Apple’s rules that made it difficult for developers to direct users to alternative subscription models outside of the app, potentially bypassing Apple’s fees.

Q: How does the Digital Markets Act impact third-party app developers? A: The Digital Markets Act is set to revolutionize the app distribution landscape. Under this legislation, third-party developers will be able to distribute their apps outside of the iOS store and directly bill customers for their services. This opens up new opportunities for competition and challenges Apple’s dominance in app distribution.


Q: Может ли Apple обжаловать потенциальный штраф, наложенный Европейским союзом? A: Да, Apple имеет право обжаловать любой штраф, вынесенный Европейским союзом, в судах ЕС. Однако результаты обжалования остаются загадкой.

Q: Насколько значителен потенциальный штраф в размере 539 миллионов долларов для Apple? A: Хотя штраф в размере 539 миллионов долларов значителен, стоит отметить, что Apple сообщила о рекордных доходах в размере 365 миллиардов долларов за 2021 год. Следовательно, хотя штраф может уколоть, он маловероятно окажет серьезное воздействие на финансовое положение компании.

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