Apple приостановила разработку проекта автономного электрического автомобиля. Что это значит для будущего автомобильных технологий?

Решение означает завершение десятилетнего усилия прорваться в автомобильную промышленность, которая требовала множества изменений направления и заняла тысячи людей.


Apple scraps self-driving car project and cuts jobs | ENBLE

Breaking news: Apple has made a surprising decision to halt its secretive and ambitious effort to build an autonomous electric car. In a short meeting with the team on Tuesday morning, executives announced that all work on the project has come to a standstill and hundreds of employees will be cut from the team. This unexpected move has left many wondering about the potential impact on the future of automotive technology. 🚗💥

The End of an Era

Apple, known for its innovation and disruption in the technology industry, first embarked on its car project, codenamed “Project Titan,” back in 2014. With around 5,000 employees dedicated to the endeavor at its peak, the project has experienced numerous shifts in direction and priorities. At times, it seemed Apple was looking to challenge Tesla in creating an all-electric competitor, while other moments hinted at a fully autonomous vehicle like Waymo’s creation.

Shifting Tides in the Automotive Industry

This decision to pull the plug on the car project aligns with current trends in the automotive industry. Major automakers are now questioning their investments in electric vehicles, while both electric and autonomous vehicle projects are facing increased scrutiny. Apple’s entry into the automotive sector was seen by many as a potential boost to its bottom line, providing a fresh revenue stream to counterbalance stagnant hardware sales and regulatory challenges to its services business.

The Domino Effect

So, what’s next for Apple and the future of automotive technology? 🍎🤔

1. Focus on Generative AI Projects

According to Bloomberg, some of the remaining employees from the car project will be redirected to Apple’s generative AI projects. This suggests that Apple intends to leverage its expertise in artificial intelligence to contribute to other cutting-edge endeavors that align more closely with its existing product lines. It’s a smart move, ensuring that the company capitalizes on the skills and knowledge acquired during the car project.

2. Reassignment or Farewell

Meanwhile, other employees will be given a 90-day window to find reassignments within the company. Those who don’t secure alternative roles will unfortunately face job cuts. This highlights the dynamic nature of working in a technology company like Apple, where projects can evolve and priorities can shift in the blink of an eye.

3. Enhanced Focus on Services Business

While the autonomous electric car project may have come to an end, Apple’s commitment to its services business remains strong. The company continues to seek new opportunities to bolster this sector, which faces regulatory challenges and the need for fresh revenue streams. As Apple moves forward, we can expect some exciting developments that leverage its existing strengths and customer base.

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered!

Q: Why did Apple choose to cancel the car project?

A: The decision to halt the project could be attributed to various factors. The reevaluation of investments in electric vehicles across the automotive industry, combined with increased scrutiny on autonomous vehicle projects, likely played a significant role. Additionally, Apple’s leadership may have felt pressure to bring a marketable product to fruition sooner rather than later.

Q: Will Apple’s decision impact the wider development of autonomous electric vehicles?

A: While Apple’s withdrawal from the race to create an autonomous electric vehicle is noteworthy, it is by no means indicative of a broader trend. Numerous other companies, including Tesla, Waymo, and traditional automakers, are still heavily invested in this sector. In fact, this move by Apple may serve as a wake-up call for others to reevaluate their strategies and push for even greater innovation.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Automotive Technology

As we bid farewell to Apple’s ambitious endeavor, it’s crucial to consider the broader implications for the future of automotive technology. While this setback may be seen as a stumble for the tech giant, it could pave the way for new ideas, collaborations, and breakthroughs.


Развивающаяся область автомобильной промышленности требует постоянной адаптации и инноваций. Это недавнее событие лишь подчеркивает необходимость компаниям оставаться гибкими, открытыми к изменениям и на переднем крае технологических достижений.

References: – Apple designer joins Jony IveXYTE stirs $30M for hardware makerMore about “Project Titan”The impact of Tesla’s electric vehicle innovation

В конце дня, даже могучая Apple сталкивается с проблемами и неудачами. Как энтузиасты технологий, давайте помнить, что прогресс часто связан с риском, принятием неудач и извлечением уроков из наших опытов. Итак, давайте делать предположения, обсуждать и делиться своими мыслями. Что вы думаете о решении Apple? Какие последствия вы предвидите для будущего автомобильных технологий? 🤔🚀

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