Закон о цифровых рынках Победа Epic Games и Пауза в Войне с Apple 👾🍏

Новейшие регуляции ЕС уже оказывают положительное влияние.


Apple reverses ban on Epic Games, allows Fortnite on iPhones in EU.

The Digital Markets Act (DMA), a new set of EU regulations that forces Big Tech companies to open themselves to competition on their core platforms, went into effect on Thursday. And just a day later, the DMA had already resolved a major conflict between Apple and Epic Games – cue the epic victory music! 🎶

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney took to X to announce the exciting news. He exclaimed, “The DMA went through its first major challenge with Apple banning Epic Games Sweden from competing with the App Store, and the DMA just had its first major victory!” 🥳

Following a swift inquiry by the European Commission, Apple notified the Commission and Epic that it would relent and restore their access. This means that Fortnite will likely soon make its way back to iOS, allowing gamers in the EU to once again experience the thrill of the battle royale on their beloved iPhones – a comeback worth celebrating! 🎉

Hold on, rewind a bit. Let’s dive deeper into this journey of conflict and resolution between Apple and Epic Games, as well as the implications of the DMA. Buckle up, folks, it’s going to be an informative and exhilarating ride! 🚀

🎮 A Brief History of Clash: Apple vs. Epic Games

This isn’t the first time the iPhone-maker and the Fortnite developer have clashed. Back in 2020, Apple booted Epic Games’ Fortnite from the App Store after the gaming company attempted to avoid paying Apple’s in-app purchase revenue share fees. As a result, Fortnite has been unavailable to play on iOS devices. 😢

However, with the introduction of the DMA, Apple has faced new rules in the EU. The law compels Apple to allow “alternative marketplaces” to compete with its official App Store, enabling app developers to release apps on iPhones without going through Apple’s distribution model. That’s quite a game-changer! 🎮

Once Apple announced this new policy, Epic Games quickly shared its intent to bring Fortnite back to the iPhone in the EU. They opened a new developer account to create an Epic Games mobile app store in the EU under the “alternative marketplace” rules. But Apple, in a temporary setback, terminated Epic Games’ developer account on Wednesday, citing Fortnite’s history of rule violations and Epic Games’ criticisms of Apple. 🚫

✅ The DMA and Apple’s Reversal

Fortune has a way of turning around swiftly, and that’s exactly what happened here. Apple is now officially operating under the DMA regulations in the EU, and Epic Games filed a complaint to EU regulators. By Thursday, the issue was already being investigated by the European Commission. Talk about efficiency! ⚖️

The result? Apple quickly changed course and officially reversed its stance. In a statement, Apple asserted, “Following conversations with Epic, they have committed to follow the rules, including our DMA policies… Epic Sweden AB has been permitted to re-sign the developer agreement and be accepted into the Apple Developer Program.” 🔄

Epic Games confirmed this in their own press release, expressing their excitement about resuming their development activities and bringing Fortnite back to iOS in Europe. Victory tastes sweet, doesn’t it? 🍬

💥 Exploring the Future Impact

Apple’s swift reversal is an impressive early feat for the DMA. It demonstrates the potential power of these new regulations to level the playing field for app developers and foster healthy competition. But what lies beyond this initial victory? Let’s delve into the future impact and potential developments! 🔮

Will the DMA encourage other companies to challenge Apple and assert their right to operate outside the confines of the App Store? How will this impact the future landscape of mobile app marketplaces? Only time will tell, my friends. But one thing is certain – the DMA has announced its arrival with a bang! 💣

🕹️ Q&A Corner: Answering Your Burning Questions! 🙋‍♂️

Q: How will the DMA affect other Big Tech companies aside from Apple?

A: The DMA applies to all Big Tech companies operating within the EU. It aims to create a fair and competitive digital market, so expect to see similar conflicts and resolutions in the future involving other major players like Google and Amazon. The era of exclusive control may soon be a thing of the past! 🌍


Q: Что теперь могут делать разработчики приложений в рамках DMA, что они не могли делать раньше?

A: С DMA разработчики приложений теперь могут выпускать свои приложения для iPhone через альтернативные рынки, обходя традиционную модель распространения Apple. Это открывает мир возможностей, давая разработчикам больший контроль над своими приложениями и разгоняя инновационную конкуренцию для улучшения пользовательских впечатлений. Это победа для разработчиков и пользователей одновременно! 🙌

📚 Дальнейшее чтение:

Если вы хотите углубиться в эту увлекательную тему, ознакомьтесь с этими соответствующими статьями:

  1. Как удалить приложения на Apple TV – Digital Trends
  2. Apple добавляет последний MacBook Pro с CD-приводом в список устаревших продуктов – Enble
  3. Epic Games говорит, что Apple прекратила его учетную запись разработчика iOS после критики – Enble
  4. 14-дюймовый MacBook Pro от Apple скоро получит ключевую новую функцию – Enble
  5. Бюджетный телефон 2A от Nothing выходит на предзаказ за $349 – TechCrunch

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Помните, технологии трансформируют, но разумные и осведомленные разговоры действительно имеют значение! 😄✨
