Обновление Android Auto Прощай, отвлечения за рулем! 🚘📱

Больше нет внезапных сюрпризов в последнюю минуту! Эти приложения будут отображать маленькую букву P на вершине своего значка, указывая, что они недоступны во время передвижения.


Android Auto теперь отображает приложения, которые работают только при стоянке вашего автомобиля.

If you’re a fan of using Android Auto in your vehicle, you might have encountered the frustrating situation where you try to use an app, only to receive an error message stating that it can’t be used while driving. 🙄

But fear not, fellow drivers! 🧐 Android Auto has come to the rescue with a recent update (version 11.4) that clearly marks apps that are “parked only,” ensuring you know which ones are off-limits before you tap on them. 🚫⛔️

So, what exactly does this update do? Well, these special parking-only apps now sport a small “P” on top of their icons, serving as a visual reminder that they can’t be used while your car is in motion. 🅿️💡 Previously, you wouldn’t know until you had already tapped on the app, causing needless frustration and distraction. 😤

Now, you might be wondering, why bother having apps on a car’s dashboard that can’t be used while driving in the first place? 🤔 Well, Google has addressed this question on a support page for developers, explaining that while Android Auto is primarily designed for music, messaging, and navigation apps, there are certain apps such as browsers and games that are meant to be used only when the vehicle is stationary. 🎶💬🗺️

Let’s take a moment to appreciate one such app, shall we? 🎮 Google’s own GameSnacks offers “bite-sized games in cars” that are specifically designed to be played on a vehicle’s infotainment screen. 🚙🎮 And because Google understands that playing a game while driving probably isn’t the safest idea, these apps are locked unless your car is in park. 🎮🔒 This not only prevents drivers from opening them while on the road but also stops passengers from enjoying them during the journey. Sorry, backseat gamers! 🙅‍♂️

🔍 Q&A: Frequently Asked Questions about Android Auto’s Latest Update

Q1: Can I still use these “parked only” apps as a passenger? A: Unfortunately, even passengers won’t be able to use these apps while the car is in motion. This safety measure ensures that everyone in the vehicle remains focused on the road.

Q2: How will this update benefit me as a driver? A: By clearly marking apps that can’t be used while driving, you’ll be able to avoid unnecessary distractions and stay focused on the road ahead. It’s just another way to keep you and your fellow drivers safe!

Q3: Are there any other features in the latest Android Auto update? A: While the marking of “parked only” apps is the highlight of this update, Android Auto is constantly evolving to enhance your driving experience. Make sure to keep an eye out for future updates that may bring even more exciting features!

Now, while this update might not be groundbreaking or revolutionary, it certainly brings a small but useful change that can help you keep your eyes on the road for a little longer. 🚗👀 Safety first, after all! ❤️

🎊 So, what are you waiting for? Update your Android Auto and enjoy a distraction-free driving experience! And don’t forget to share this article with your friends to spread the word! 📲👍

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🔗 Reference Links:Support page for developers (Google’s explanation of “parked only” apps) – GameSnacks (Google’s bite-sized games for cars)

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