Повышение защиты урожая с помощью ИИ RealCoverage от AgZen.

В исследовании, проведенном в 2021 году, было обнаружено, что без использования пестицидов фермеры столкнулись бы с 78% сокращением производства фруктов, 54% сокращением производства овощей и 32% сокращением производства зерновых.


AgZen’s RealCoverage aims to target pesticides only where necessary. | ENBLE


If farmers didn’t use pesticides, they would lose a staggering 78% of fruit production, 54% of vegetable production, and 32% of cereal production, according to a 2021 study. But here’s the catch: the way pesticides are currently delivered is far from ideal. To ensure adequate distribution, farmers end up spraying too much, hurting their wallets and the environment in the process.

That’s where AgZen comes in. This innovative company, born out of over a decade of MIT engineering research, has devised a new solution that leverages AI to optimally spray crops with pesticides. By continuously making real-time adjustments, AgZen’s technology ensures that plants receive just the right amount of pesticide, greatly reducing wastage and improving efficiency.

AgZen’s CEO, Vishnu Jayaprakash, revealed to ENBLE that their product, RealCoverage, is capable of detecting droplets as small as 150 microns. The system offers real-time adjustments to spray parameters such as pressure, rate, boom height, and speed, resulting in maximum application efficiency even at speeds of up to 12 mph.

The implications of this technology are vast. AgZen asserts that their algorithms and optimizations can cut chemical usage by up to 50%, significantly reducing input costs for farmers while maintaining crop health and yield. To date, AgZen has conducted more than three years of field trials on various crops, including 12 successful pilots and trials across the U.S. and Europe with some of the world’s largest growers.

But it’s not just the farmers who will benefit from AgZen’s innovation. Public health and the environment stand to gain as well. Widespread contamination of agricultural streams, wells, and aquifers due to pesticide runoff is a significant concern. Moreover, global soil is facing a high risk of pesticide pollution. In light of these challenges, the agricultural technology sector is actively seeking solutions.

Enter AgZen’s RealCoverage, which could help mitigate these impacts by reducing foliar pesticide usage by 30% to 50%. By improving spray efficiency, the technology aligns with recent calls for more sustainable farming practices and can contribute to safeguarding public health and environmental well-being.


Beyond environmental benefits, AgZen suggests that RealCoverage could prove to be a valuable tool for farmers dealing with regulatory pressures. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has long been concerned about pesticide runoff, raising awareness regarding its potential dangers. By providing precise data on pesticide volume reaching the target in real-time, AgZen’s system enhances pesticide tracking, minimizes environmental impact, and offers insights for designing new formulations and optimizing farm operations worldwide.

AgZen is set to launch RealCoverage commercially later this year through a lease-to-own program, making it financially accessible for farmers. By reducing chemical usage, the system can potentially pay for itself within a single season, providing cost-effective, efficient, and sustainable crop protection.


Looking ahead, AgZen’s RealCoverage represents a significant step forward in integrating AI and precision agriculture. This emerging trend of using technology to optimize farming practices is transforming the agricultural industry. As more companies embrace AI-driven solutions, we can expect further advancements in crop protection, resource optimization, and sustainability.


🤔 Reader Q&A 🤔

Q: How does RealCoverage work to optimize pesticide usage? A: RealCoverage utilizes AI algorithms to make real-time adjustments to spray parameters, ensuring crops receive the right amount of pesticide while minimizing wastage.

Q: Can AgZen’s technology have a positive impact on the environment? A: Yes, by reducing foliar pesticide usage by 30% to 50%, RealCoverage helps mitigate the contamination of agricultural streams, wells, and aquifers due to pesticide runoff.

Q: How does RealCoverage benefit farmers financially? A: AgZen’s system cuts down chemical usage, significantly reducing input costs for farmers. It is designed to pay for itself within a single season.

Q: Will RealCoverage help farmers comply with regulations? A: Yes, RealCoverage provides precise real-time data on pesticide volume reaching the target, assisting farmers in tracking pesticides, minimizing environmental impact, and designing new formulations.

Q: What is the future of AI-driven precision agriculture? A: AI-driven precision agriculture is an emerging trend that holds great promise. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect further advancements in crop protection, resource optimization, and sustainability.


📚🔗 References:

  1. A 2021 study on the impact of pesticides on crop production
  2. Read more about AgZen
  3. The importance of reducing pesticide runoff
  4. The role of the EPA in regulating pesticide runoff
  5. Exploring the concept of precision agriculture and AI

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